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Everything posted by esanders6969

  1. Well I guess Mati is the new three-way King, and he's trying to keep those numbers up, so he's recruiting
  2. I was so sexy watching the three girls at the table kiss each other
  3. I just know I'm going to get a ton of disagreements, but if Amalia was more like Leora, I would highly considered reversing my cancellation after my time expires, so let me be clear, I love the way Leora lounges around, in a way that situates her butt, and since I believe Amalia has a nicer butt then Leora, it just stand the reason she should show it off more, and also it would be so nice to watch her bate more when Mati is not around
  4. How are they not tired of that constant tribal drum beat that's always loud in the background, when I was taking a quick peek in the kitchen of Karma and her zombie looking boyfriend
  5. Wolf may have to start investing in some plane tickets, just to fly in Margo or Ulyana for some sexual visits
  6. Well because she knows now that people will stay there patiently and watch anyway in anticipation, she definitely knows she has to power now
  7. I'm curious is this like a rich Beverly Hills type area, I just imagine if you can see it StreetWise, you probably see big huge mansions
  8. I'm confused what you're saying, are you saying that I deliberately try to watch him masturbate, can you please re-read my comment because I had to switch it off because at one point I was unable to just watch her, and that involves at one point, I tried moving the screen down where only her was being displayed, and I even tried holding my hands up to somehow block him as I was watching her, but everything I tried eventually made it an uncomfortable situation, this is one reason that I canceled my membership, because one day I tuned in, and turn the site on, only to be stung by the sight of two men having sex, and one was dressed up as a female, now I personally don't have a problem with anyone who chooses to watch it, but after Ulyana left the project, and seeing the constant need to somehow have guys around more often made it the last straw for me to just END my membership, so after the two to three months I have remaining that would be it for me, but if Ulyana was to come down to spend a week or more with Harley, I cannot tell you how fast I would rejoin the site just to see it
  9. A few minutes ago I desperately wanted to watch the replay of Ulyana having some FaceTime communication with Wolf, and honestly I couldn't not go through with it, because even though I was trying my best to just concentrate watching her, I just could not block off my site of wolf playing with himself, and it got so disturbing that I eventually just had to just stop and switch it off, this is why I hope with everything that is Holy if she has a chance to visit, I am hoping that visit is with Harley, because if the visit is to see wolf I would disappointly not tune in for it
  10. As far as I remember I would have to say yes she had a serious relationship, but now I honestly don't know if she still has a boyfriend
  11. It was great seeing Ulyana, and I really miss seeing her on a regular basis on this site
  12. I am sorry to ask this but what is SM and do you know the site he's looking at right now
  13. 5-year ban, so I'm curious to ask, does that mean she's back in Russia, or anywhere else besides Barcelona
  14. I figured recently when Esmi had sex with that guy on the couch, she wasn't in a serious relationship, so when two people that are not in a serious relationship, please tell me what is wrong with both of them going out together to do something like a date, so thinga69 please explain to me what exactly is wrong with that, because who knows something may develop from it
  15. I am so very sorry I did not hear them speaking to each other, and I am not trying to as you say create some discourse with whoever that you're saying, because I am so confused now, cuz this is the very first time I have ever been attacked this way of being something I'm not, all I'm doing here is making a comment that's all, because I thought nothing wrong about it when I made it
  16. Please can someone help me out because I must be missing something that should not be happening, because was it wrong for me to speculate that they're going on a date, what's wrong with going on a date over there, is that something they don't normally do, because I have gone on dates before to the beach
  17. Oh my God I just made a comment, and what the hell is a troll, did I actually say something that offended you, and if they're going to the beach to meet someone how do I suppose to know that
  18. That really sounds like it could be a very intimate date at the beach between those two, I can only hope whatever excitement is happening there, they bring that back with them instead of just lying around doing nothing
  19. I really believe it doesn't matter either way, because she tends to hide under the covers when she's having sex
  20. So Esmi and Wolf leaves together, and I have no clue what to make of that, but ever since that day she made some soup for Wolf I had a small feeling there was some interest she has for him, but with these females it's hard to figure them out
  21. After Ulyana had to leave, I just could not find anyone interesting enough to follow, so right now I have around 2 to 3 months left until it permanently expires, but if I'm lucky enough to see Ari rejoin, I can definitely see myself rejoining, yes I know who cares
  22. I have to tell you I really tried to give it a chance by watching the sex between Dayana and that guy, but it confirm to me why I don't get into the couple sex on this site, because almost 70 to 80% of the sex is watching his naked ass on top of her, and to be honest that doesn't excite me, but it only seems she's only sexual only if there's a guy there
  23. My guess they met these two beanstalks at the gym
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