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Everything posted by esanders6969

  1. Oh my God can we stop this madness, I tune in to see some female ass, not Wolf fat Moon ass
  2. One day, hopefully one measly day this Dayana will actually aim what she's doing towards the cam, everything seems like an illusion to us from her, like she's going to finally aim everything she's doing towards the camera, and each and every time she doesn't, just like that phony ass sex she had with her boyfriend
  3. So to her a boyfriend has to be this extremely successful guy, and he would probably have to spend not only money on her, but a certain amount of time with her, just for a "Fraction of of sex" that Massimo was getting from her, and surprisingly Massimo did not have to spend money on her, and the majority of time he spent with her, was just time having sex with him, and on top of that, if you happen to run into him again, please believe me, it would be like your legs would have helium inside of them, seeing how high they will rise up, just to have more sex from him, so to let you know the new crops of 18-year-olds are coming out, and it definitely would not surprise me or anyone, at their early age how they learn early how to play the game, but they won't be playing around with sex boys, but instead they're be playing with the actual successful people, so while Nadia "stocks" in looks at her age are still high, I would recommend you start playing around and hanging around successful people, because every year your stocks will be losing value
  4. I am so sick and tired of these grown ass people hiding out in the garage, like they're hiding from their parents, and come on Aziza, we all knew you went into that garage, and you dropped those pants and your panties and you allowed him to get a couple of pumps in, because he really look real satisfied after finally leaving that garage, so next time stop being so damn phony and do things on cam
  5. Through all the problems seda it's going through, there are two positives about her life 1. she seems to be very independent, 2. And there's no doubt about her not knowing how to get herself off sexually, I only hope one day she doesn't depend on that bed sheet covering her when it happens, but I'm pretty sure there are more amazing things about her
  6. You are a very dark person for this, but damn I cannot stop laughing
  7. Right now I'm at work on my break and it's very obvious I can not pull up the site, but I just like to say I am happy and relieve that she's home, because before I left work I did notice she went into the garage, but it was so uncomfortable watching her because she hesitated for a long length of time before she went into the garage, but anyway I'm happy she's not missing or anything, but I agree and I've been saying that this girl needs to start seeing a therapist on a regular basis, and I wish they stop dragging their feet about this
  8. Are you serious, and honestly I'm not doubting you, but did you hear one of them mention it
  9. Seda has a banging nice body, but besides that, they should have had her going on regular therapy visits by now, that's just my opinion
  10. My God you were definitely right "chill out and give her time", well I guess she was ready to do something extremely sexy, but it wasn't for us, so I guess she has us on the back burner, but keep hope alive and maybe she would do it when she gets home, or whenever she feels we're worthy of her sexy time, or just important enough
  11. I like it, but hopefully it'll be a little more than YouTube rated
  12. I am so sorry if I struck a nerve with you, but I'm just having fun, and no harm done because I don't believe she cares
  13. I'll be more than happy if she proves me wrong, and shows us she's no where near being like Shantel
  14. One day I really would love to see Linda lather up those two beauties of hers, and just play with them in the shower and she rubs the soap and Lather around each one, and yes do not forget the lotioning of those two beauties after the shower, well anyway let me stop because there are a lot of guys that's not into that
  15. Well looks like Shantel made it back home, oops I'm sorry I meant Dayana
  16. Someone did say maybe she's off her medicine, or even worse she stopped too soon from seeing her therapist on a regular basis, and now she's having a relapse
  17. Especially if she's actually hearing voices speaking to her
  18. Oh my I just read this and I beg any guy after reading this, do not approach a female and talk bullshit to them as you grab them and start pulling them close to you and start kissing on them, because you know the next thing that would happened, you will be charged with assault, because the outside world is not a control environment like this, and it's obvious to see that these ladies somehow seem to just go with it because maybe it will score them some bonus points for doing so, but do not listen to this guy that see's Massimo as the perfect example of manhood that every guy should follow, please remember that this guy is only a hired paid fuckboy, now I know a lot of you are not feeling the same by my response to what was written, and that's okay because it's just how I feel about it
  19. Previously I was curious to know if that was Karma's boyfriend, and after hearing that the person that was actually spending time with him left him there after she left permanently somewhere else I was then surprised that someone previously know that he was some homeless guy so in turn I was surprised that they are allowing some homeless guy to stay there that they know nothing about, otherwise I don't care who Karma has sex with because I really don't care much about this place so I don't pay attention to it, so if that makes your day calling someone a Karen or now the new term Cry Me a River amuses you that's on you because again I don't care who she has sex with,
  20. So you're actually calling me something you are unable to explain, well anyway it's not important, and I can care less what you call me, so have fun whatever is going on in this place, because I'm currently not watching it, and don't plan on watching it anyway
  21. So explain to me why did you call me Karen is that nice enough for your sensitive ears
  22. So why the fuck are you calling me Karen you fucking freak I'm a guy
  23. What the fuck is going on in this Villa, why the hell are they allowing this guy to stay there
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