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Everything posted by fredrik29

  1. Still lagging for me so Rlc:s so called maintenance is just bullshit.
  2. Maintenance again Fuck u RLC Always this apartment often several times a day, so much "maintenance" is not needed or where do u buy ure Equipment,toys r us?
  3. It has been like that everytime he gets sex he can not last more than 2 minutes, fuck even paul is a god in bed compared to mario.
  4. So quick to jump the conclusions when they have only had sex handful of times. One time they had guests in the next room and sex out in the open and now he is very clearly NOT feeling well and is sick. Just saying how it is yet he has proven nothing but fast cumming until he proves otherwise he is a worthless lover in my opinion.
  5. His cock was inside her about 1 minute and 40 seconds and then it was a pretty slow ride, wow what a man looooooooooooooooool
  6. No risk she wears him out hes Another pathetic lover lasting under a minute, all their sexacts have been very short cause he cant last anything.
  7. Yeah that sex lasted long he was in her for barely a minute, Another superlover that cant last anything, pathetic where do they find these guys. All their sexacts have been very short so far because he comes to fast. And ive seen some guys complaining she doesnt want sex enough, can u blame her if he cant bring more to the table.
  8. They probably dont do anything more than take it offline and give him some time to move out, he probably still sit there with his buddys. I really doubt rlc turn his ass in to the police.
  9. This Place is so fucking boring nothing ever happens i cant understand how anyone pays for the crap. No fun at all just sits around with their phones and do nothing. No partying no fun no social activitys and absolutely no sexual activity i swear there is more sexual activity in a nunnery. U people that pays for this i actually call stupid.
  10. It´s probably a mainfuze that burnt out and the guy probably never changed a fuze in his Life.
  11. What do u base that on if i may ask? The only idiot i see is someone that cant turn caps off :D
  12. She was there the first night and half 2nd day and he was there the half 2nd day, she left Before him i didnt see when he left but she only had a handbag so it looked like she was coming back and now they have been gone for about 30 hours. They have obviously gone somewhere for the weekend it looks like to me. Maybe but they didnt leave together so thats a Little strange if they were going away for the weekend, and strange to put up the apartment if they only were gonna be there for half a day Before going away.
  13. I am surprised rlc let him still be there, they should go there and throw his pathetic ass out on the street. Instead he is partying with his friends like nothing happened. The friends cant now how he is i hope because if i had a friend like that and i found out i would beat the living hell out of him.
  14. All 3 in the livingroom now 2 of them playing with phones how unusual and one halfsleeping watching tv sooooooooooooooooooo exciting. Sometimes i just wish they would stop making smartphones alot of people just seem to cant let go of them. Last week i was at a small party and half the people sat with the head in their phones so i did something fun, collected all the phones and made them be without for 1 hour i swear some people almost Went crazy 1 hour from the phone, its sickening.
  15. Im sure lilu will be back she has done this several times go away for some Days, and the site has tweeted she is gone for some Days. However the Place is worthless anyway i cant Believe how any one is paying for it. Putting up a cam at an old folks home would be more exciting to Watch.
  16. She was there the first night and half 2nd day and he was there the half 2nd day, she left Before him i didnt see when he left but she only had a handbag so it looked like she was coming back and now they have been gone for about 30 hours.
  17. Now it looks like shes not there and he is sitting on the couch playing playstation and laughing with a friend, thats how much he cares.
  18. Give me 5 minutes with him i will make sure he never walks again or hit anything by fucking crush his knees and amputate his arms he is a pathetic worm.
  19. I know they live in russia, but i really doubt its legal to abuse ure girlfriend even there, and legal or not rlc is a Company based in america and got most of its subscribers outside of russia, this should not be accepted by rlc. I live in sweden not far from russia and u people on the other side of the World seems to Think we have no laws here when its just the same as everywhere else. fredrik29, my friend, they live in russia, no one cares there about what you call civil right, or home abuse, or all that crap. it works in the us, but it will not work in russia. welcome to russian reality.
  20. She is stupidly staying whats wrong with Girls that do that, they say they love them so much they cant leave, that aint love its stupidity u cant love a person like that. And rlc have no legal right to ban people thats is sending rlc Pictures of what happened, because it is a civil right to report illegal actions and prove it. They can only ban if that person was the same that posted them online. so if they ban u for sending them Pictures of illegal actions, take their as to Court they will lose. If rlc does nothing about this its stupid first people reported seeing drugs on the party they had and now this violence from him, it is not acceptable.
  21. The worst thing is rlc will do absolutely nothing against this, as said it has happened Before with isabelle and people say lev has hit zoya several times. So rlc wont do shit which means they are just as bad as yarik cowardly fuckers. Lets just hope she is smart enough to leave him for good.
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