Elle au moins très "Bi" qui est bien pour moi. Elle est si sensuelle et sexy. En espérant qu'elle peut prendre Megan sous son aile et enseigner l'art plus beau d'être une femme. Ilona est trop ludique elle obtient giggly lorsque l'Irma ou Polya essayer de toucher son snatch. Mais elle va essayer de toucher tout le monde. Elle est confuse. Anna et Irma sont la vraie affaire et est donc peut-être Lola. Nous avons besoin de Polya, elle serait vraiment le coup les choses.
She at least very "Bi" which is fine by me. She's so sensual and sexy. Hoping she can take Megan under her wing and teach the finer art of being a woman. Ilona is too playful she gets giggly when either Irma or Polya try to touch her snatch. But she will try to touch everyone else. She's confused. Anna and Irma are the real deal and so is possibly Lola. We need Polya, she would really kick things up.
Its probably facing some area that would give us to much details on their apartment, would be my guess. Son probablement face à une certaine zone qui nous donnerait à beaucoup de détails sur leur appartement, serait ma conjecture
The heavens and planets are aligning..BE READY EVERYONE!!! IT'S ABOUT TO GO DOWN!
Tonight, I'm crossing my fingers it will be a fun and active house w/ Irma, Anna, and Ilona getting the other two beautiful women nice and wet. RLC definitely brought in the A-Team. These two (Irma and Ilona) are closers. I love it!!!
Jealously in the house.. The guest female is starring daggers at Masha who enjoys looking at the guest package, since he's ok walking around in his underware. Masha likes to look.