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Everything posted by wathou

  1. oh angelina if you could rotate on a 90° angles on your left that'd be amazing because now we can't see shit on both cam :X
  2. Naga you are not probably aware since you took some day off, but it's an angelina 2.0 (sadly). Lots of time outside and a lot of partying and very little bate :X
  3. That's true, back then i remember complaining about her going out all the time. But now i realise it was only the begining of a sad time :X
  4. Nicole was open minded but let's not forget that she was really selfish, and was the reason of so many argument between the girls (she is the only girls that had been "hated" by every other girls :X). On her own she'd be amazing but she is definitely not cut for life in community :X
  5. the only two girls that could have realise how bad the party went down were belle & stella, for all the other girls it was just a usual "party" like all the ones they did before ^^'
  6. gentlemen don't exist anymore :P No more seriously it was just my taught on that, i don't know anybody who would take the trouble to walk up/take the elevator to someone's door just to say goodbye and not even going inside ( maybe in the romantic movies :P) and it's not like they were talking much they shut the door after 5 seconds ^^' for me it was more like small talk between neighbor that you meet in the elevator ^^' But anyway it doesn't mather in either case ^^' it still going to be another club night tonight so ... ^^'
  7. i'm not sure the dudes drop off the girls, it's an appartment why would they took the elevator up to the girl's floor just to say bye at the door without even coming in, probably the neighbour. Not that it mather ^^'
  8. then you assume that all the "girls on vacation" appartment will be in barcelona, i don't think it will be that way. I have some hints about where the new appartment will be and i don't think it will be in spain ^^'. And i think it's for the best, more diversity :) Having more "girls in vacation" appartment would "solve" the probleme of the lack of acivity in the other appartment, like that even if one or two appartments are dead (like now) there would be the other ones, and it's really unlikely that all of them would get boring at the same time ^^'. and for the appartment in ukraine well, it wouldn't be a "girls on vacation" ^^' it would be a "roomate" appartment but i doubt that belle will make a third visit or have her own appartment if she keeps acting like she is acting now :X it would be a shame because she seems intersting and watching her in an other context than "in vacation" would be nice even tho "vacation/traveling" are a big part of those girls life.
  9. yhea that's almost certain and i hope for a big and nice appartment :) they can afford it so ... but we still have to wait :X i think the best would be 4 "girls on vaction" appartment ( if not more :P) like that rlc can make it so that a new girl comes every month :) and the "girls roomate" should be for the girls that made a big impression while they were in a "girls on vacation" appartment ^^' ( like k&k) that's something that would work well :)
  10. Exactly what i said ^^ at this point i don't understand RLC's plan ... 16 couple appartments for 3 "only girls" appartment ...
  11. i might sound like a tinfoil hat person but there are no free cams in b2 ignore my post i'm going back at watching tv ^^'
  12. are they trying to do the most activity before they go out xD ? they installed the yoga mat now xD, massage ?
  13. well i see all the girls are in b2 two options now: it's eiter a "before party" to get in the mood to go out ( which i think it is) or it's going to be a real party let's wait and see :) a bit early to start a real party tho :X
  14. That's true, but i don't think there are more trolls/haters it's just that even "good" poeple can't find anything nice to say for the girls since nothing is happening ( a lot of us have lost hope) ^^' so the haters and tinfoil hat poeple are thriving
  15. Yhea i'm bored you can tell by the amount of quote from Mr Box ^^', usually i ignore them because there is something to watch, but when i'm bored it gets nasty :P It's time for a joint and a movie for me see you tomorrow guys :) And for the few poeple that still have hope good luck, you are going to need it :)
  16. Nobody can't disagree that the B's appartment are getting worst everyday since january. But i don't agree with your solution which are fantasies ...
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