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Everything posted by dougiestyle4u

  1. Or as a babysitter. She is good with children, just ask Paul the spoiled brat.
  2. If she is a hairdresser or similar type job then why doesn't she work full time. Are there visa restrictions on hours worked? Is RLC classified as an employer/employee relationship? Why doesn't she work outside of the apartment while doing RLC? Lazy? Paul is a poster child for a sleep clinic. Unemployable, the useless fuck.
  3. I bet their "bucket list" is empty - Perhaps they will get themselves a "bucket" of this -
  4. Doesn't say much about Leora either. Paul is holding her back in more ways than one, including life. As long as he is in the same cam as her, I can't fucking watch or stomach it.
  5. What a shame. A body like hers that is rarely used.
  6. Actually I was referring to the constant arguing, crying and yelling confrontations they have been having. Enough is enough before it gets physical.
  7. This is RLC's real life for the subscribers. RLC is not known to be proactive and look out for the welfare of it's tenants. Instead RLC is only reactive after complaints are sent in or something bad has happened and then trouble tenants/guests are booted and on their own to fix their issues. Don't forget that RLC has a bad habit of removing any video evidence quickly to hide the evidence.
  8. Watching both of them one word comes to mind - "stupido".
  9. Yes, it is called foreplay before make up sex. Go figure.
  10. Some members just don't like camcaps because they prefer using the Chat Room for discussions instead of using Forum topics here plus some members don't like how rude discussions get here or the tone of how some members behave. More or less "peace and slower pace" at xcamfan. Mostly RLC talk.
  11. xcamfan is a smaller sister site to camcaps. It should reopen soon by admin (certificate has to be revalidated or paid). It has a Chat Room and Forum topics. Keep trying during the day or soon and check it out once it reopens.
  12. Give it time. Hopefully today or tomorrow. I noticed this about 2 days ago and informed @StnCld316 and he then relayed a message to the xcamfan admin. It will be back running when the admin sends a ticket to get the certificate validated. Happens once in a while if the renewal date comes up before it is taken care of beforehand. Like renewing a driver's license.
  13. Paul is a good example of people that work from home - less work, more sleep.
  14. How charming and lovely to see Leora and Paul sitting together at the kitchen table sharing a spot of tea. What a couple. There is Paul downing his cup of tea and some refills. No surprise with each sip of tea you can hear him noisily slurping it down. All done. Meanwhile, Leora on her phone with her cup of tea still full. Good chance to bond and have a great conversation. NOT!!! Leora is no better than Paul. Her and the stupid fuckin' phone. Perhaps they are truly a great match after all. Two wrongs make a right? Paul sipping and slurping his tea
  15. Paul sure likes to give the cams the evil eye. Hard to tell if he has any functioning brain waves because his stare is ominous.
  16. I see Leora has a pumpkin on the kitchen counter. Does she plan on giving Paul a head transplant?
  17. Paul sleeping comatose in Paul's room with the door closed
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