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Everything posted by dougiestyle4u

  1. Camcaps is mostly about the women and a lot of members follow their favorite girl religiously or to an obsessive extreme so some kind of specific camcaps designed mascot like shown above would cover this - 😆😈😋
  2. For the Americans, watch the Tennessee Titans mascot eat a cheerleader.
  3. Why settle for just pussy when you really want the girl. The Toronto Rapters mascot does it right.
  4. I am surprised that both Leora and Paul don't have bed sores since they both spend a majority of their day bedridden.
  5. Paul has signs of "narcolepsy". Narcolepsy is a chronic neurological disorder that affects the brain's ability to control sleep-wake cycles. People with narcolepsy may feel rested after waking, but then feel very sleepy throughout much of the day.
  6. Seems to me that more and more camcaps members are bird brains. They all flock together and stalk their RLC floozies.
  7. Clue in buddy. There are members commenting here that ONLY want to berate or dispute what good members say (their observations or opinions or negative comments). These few retards don't come up with their own comments about the tenants but wait on the sidelines to negatively comment about good members posts. To me, these retards are totally useless to camcaps and offer absolutely nothing to this site.
  8. A similarity - - cat playing with a cockroach. - Masha playing with Elvis (who is a cockroach himself). If someone were to call you a cockroach or a vermin they mean it in a negative connotation. They are saying that you are unpleasant, obnoxious, irritating, dirty human. When a certain person is called a ''cockroach'' or a ''vermin'', it may mean that this person is disgusting and filthy physically and/or mentally.
  9. Join the club. Wasting our time making comments because that is only what these pathetic retards (yes, I did say FUCKING RETARDS) can retort to. Camcaps is just as bad as the VHTV Forum. Sad and confused emoji dumb fucktards are only here to piss on our comments.
  10. This topic and most of the other forum topics get into personal mudslinging when members love their idols religiously. This is where camcaps admin has failed this site big time.
  11. When Leora goes outside for hours on her own she appears at Czech Fantasy just for her "sad and confused and dazed" emoji lovers.
  12. Leora has to "work/perform" around Paul's busy schedule of "computer/phone repair work" (hahaha) and his sleep/nap times.
  13. Another example was Sergio who passes away a few years ago.
  14. Time for RLC to do the right thing and step in (intervention) and do what is necessary to protect Masha from serious health issues and erratic behavior that is obviously not good.
  15. Masha needs someone like Paul to settle her down and become a proper obedient slave woman like Leora.
  16. ALWAYS nice to see "fucking" action and "cum" loads and "cock sucking" - all good voyeur observations.
  17. Her big tits are meaningless with all the tattoos on her body. Not worth looking at her now. Can't watch Leora when Paul is around her. Tattoos and Paul are distractions.
  18. Masha is her own boss or owns her own mistakes. RLC owns any liabilities that happen within their domain or apartments/tenants. If bad things happen within RLC's control or walls of the apartment then they are responsible and must hand over any video evidence to the cops. Masha and RLC must have lines drawn for the sake of RLC's protection. Masha is only a small potato in the garden of RLC. Masha must think she is the diva and bread winner for RLC - WRONG. She definitely can be replaced.
  19. Intimate partner violence can actually be exciting when the woman asks for a good pounding. Why women can be dumb as shit is beyond me (no self respect - sheesh!!!).
  20. Any bets that if Paul gives Leora anything for Valentine's Day it will be flowers again (probably stolen). Any bets that Paul will expect a blowjob for his Valentine's Day gift from Leora. So fucking sweet - 🤣.
  21. Dumb shit and in deep shit. VHTV is in desperation mode but couldn't punch their way out of a wet paper bag or get drunk in a brewery. Or how about - VHTV couldn’t beat a one-legged man in an ass kicking contest. If Jabs fell in a bucket of tits, he'd come out sucking his thumb.
  22. Good for you but braindead members I can't be bothered with. The "Ignore" list of members has been a delight for me and gives them less need to participate in the forum topic now as I can observe.
  23. Well, if Linda doesn't want to do much of anything then the least she could do is spread her legs when she is in the shower and have a good piss for all to see.
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