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Everything posted by dougiestyle4u

  1. Who's actually to blame - dickless Paul or dumbass Leora?
  2. Leora's anal plug. The taste of her ass - DEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELICIOUS!!!
  3. This pic captures what Leora was. She tried new ways of teasing her fans and "participated" with her fans as if it was one-on-one with each viewer. Must have took some nerve and excitement to intentionally position herself in full view of the cam. Kind of like doing naked facetime with others. This is our Leora. She definitely hit a home run or was it more like a grand slam. Even though it was another masturbation show she went the extra mile to grab the viewers attention and killed it. She did this with Malia as they took turns massaging each other on the table. Leora does have quite the imagination and can find news ways of teasing her fans but Paul has severely restricted her. For me, Leora was and still can be a major cock tease. It is Leora that the fans want. Paul just doesn't add anything to the viewing pleasure. If anything he destroys it. Leora can continue to have sex with Paul but I believe the majority of viewers want Leora to do more teasing like she was quite well known for - sexy outfits, ass cheeks peeking under skirts/low cut shorts/thongs/panties, sexy dancing, spandex or lycra leggings/body suit, fishnets, tight ass jeans, open shirt/robe, naked cleaning, walking around half naked and totally naked, more intentional surprise teases for the cams and much more. Yes, Leora knows how to work the cams but she does it in a way that a voyeur is happy to view her delicious body and hope for amazing closeups. Leora has to replicate her style of teasing but try new things and perhaps do some of what posters are suggesting. Damn, when she works the cams in a sexy teasing way it is so fucking hot, hot, hot. Come on Leora, treat your fans the way you did it in the past.
  4. Is it obvious that Leora loves performing more for her fans that trying to please Paul? She gets more out of it playing for the cams than the short pathetic sex and blowjob for Paul. Her fans are #1 while doing Paul is a necessary evil.
  5. Bravo, well said. Most of the time I can't respond to blind, deaf and dumb posters (not worth my time and energy). Leora's sexy teases have diminished considerably and what I miss the most. Doing naked chores around the apartment were always eye opening and quite the beautiful sight to admire. Not happening now. Paul's presence ruined it and Leora has allowed Paul's laziness to rob off on her.
  6. Sure the fuck ain't referring to Paul because he is a NON BATTERY operated useless fucking dildo - one speed only - one tenth mph. Paul's vibrating speed
  7. Masha chooses quantity over quality. She might as well just stick to having orgies of turds. Sometimes a good shit happens - lol.
  8. IF she was smart she would have properly planned ahead for the appearance of Paul and somehow upped her game with him but she instead waited and allowed Paul to control the dynamics of the apartment and has definitely restricted her "duties" on behalf of RLC and her paid subscribers. Does the word "cunt" apply? Does this phrase apply? - "stupid is as stupid does". "Stupid is as stupid does" is a saying that means that someone's actions or behavior can reveal their intelligence or lack thereof. The phrase suggests that it is not enough to simply appear or claim to be intelligent – one's actions and decisions must also reflect intelligence in order for it to be genuine.
  9. They are more focused on what is posted here instead of truly analyzing the Leora & Paul farce. They can't see the forest for the trees. can't see the forest for the trees. An expression used of someone who is too involved in the details of a problem to look at the situation as a whole
  10. Leora only gives head to Paul when he demands it. Leora competes with no one and will continue her downslide into being just a memory.
  11. Leora did much more even when she was sad and lonely than she does now as she is supposedly happy and with the love of her life. Leora is a shadow of her former self. What does it mean to be a shadow of your former self? If you say that someone is a shadow of their former self, you mean that they are much less strong or capable than they used to be or useful as they once were.
  12. Coming to a theatre near you. I wouldn't be surprised that Paul doesn't try to make Leora wear granny panties for her fans to enjoy. Paul is the boss and man of the apartment while Leora is an obedient slave. Sexy as hell or sexy as shit?
  13. And Leora is a very willing submissive saying "yes dear. whatever you say and want".
  14. Leora has lost or gave up her freedom of "performing" for her fans and herself. Quite a shame because she WAS really good at what she did and quite the perfectionist in front of the cams for optimum viewing. Now it seems that she couldn't care less about her fans that pay her keep.
  15. All good in the past but nowadays anything else or new is wishful thinking. If you want more, you might want to run it by Paul because he controls "what, when and where" Leora is allowed to do anything. And remember - Paul's needs come first and foremost now (most importantly; more than anything else).
  16. Paul uses the water noise to make it appear that he washes up good and fools Leora about this. Leora uses the water noise so Paul thinks Leora is washing up but she instead uses the water noise so Paul doesn't fully hear her masturbation sounds of ooooh aaaah.
  17. Do we dare to say that Leora is a has-been has-been a person or thing considered to be outmoded or no longer of any significance. has-been a person who in the past was famous, important, admired, or good at something, but is no longer any of these
  18. Better to just watch old videos of her or her and Malia.
  19. it's pee and he went back to bed Paul is full of piss but no vinegar. What's the meaning of the phrase 'Full of piss and vinegar'? Rowdy, boisterous, full of youthful energy.
  20. It is called smoke and mirrors. He has Leora fooled by his long dedicated hours on the computer and phone to show her his "work ethic" - haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.
  21. Paul was born tired, lives tired and will die tired.
  22. WOW!!! I am at a loss for words. Simply fucking amazing. Exceptional closeups The cock sucking is superb. The cum flowing into her open mouth is fantastic. All this makes me feel that I was just inches from the action. You are lucky to have such a sex hungry lady. Women, nudity, sex and being wild and horny is the way to go. Tired of this world full of violence, killings, hatred and disrespect. Love one another and enjoy sex almost 24/7. Such a beautiful couple having so much great fun together. Danke.
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