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Everything posted by dougiestyle4u

  1. Paul changed the dynamics of the apartment and Leora is actually more restricted or hindered by Paul in doing her "anything goes" performances. I believe she is still wild, horny and has strong urges to treat her viewers but with Paul around she has had to control herself. She is not as loose and fancy free now. When she was living alone her main focus was being an exhibitionist for all her paid subscribers and followers. Now her main focus is Paul so she had to cut back on the showtimes. I suspect Leora misses all the praise, glory, attention and comments that she received prior to Paul's arrival. Does this bother Leora. Personally I think it does. She has Paul but at the cost of losing her fan base???
  2. I think, lately, most Leora followers are busy watching and downloading all these video reruns that Jimbo is posting instead of spending time watching Leora & Paul now. Jimbo has quite the large treasure chest of videos of everyone's sweetheart, Leora.
  3. EXCELLENT. Amazing pics of a beautiful women. Nice to see her being comfortable naked and giving a sexy fashion show. Quite the exhibitionist. Love her pussy and nice to see her bumhole (I zoomed in for a closer look - hehe haha - mmmmm). I like how you did this montage of pics.
  4. Duhhhh!!! Leora is 100% exhibitionist and thrives on it which is her bread and butter that makes her good money. She picks and choses when it is "showtime" for her audience. She "performs" strictly for the cams. It is so obvious when she strategically positions herself in front of the cams for her paying public. Even when her and Paul are going at it she is mindful of the cams and wants her audience to have optimum viewing. She is on RLC for many years for good reason - both Leora and RLC make tons of money. Doubt any other RLC apartment/house or tenant has been as beneficial to RLC over the years.
  5. That's a voyeur tease so that your imagination can fill in the blanks, Yeah right!!! Kick their lazy fucking asses to the curb and make sure when the door closes it hits their butts so hard that they can't sit on their useless arses for months. RLC is a voyeur cam site - not a boarding house for the homeless. RLC owners/managers are brain dead.
  6. Notice that there is a Leora Fan Page which is suppose to be mainly, if not all, about good positive comments. We have the Leora & Paul - Home Activities topics which pretty much allows any types of comments (good and bad). Lots of arguing back and forth between members. Ever wonder why there is no Fan Page Leora & Paul which would be strictly for good positive comments? Sure there are already quite a lot of topics about Leora and Leora & Paul but would it be of any use to have a Leora & Paul Fan Page? Probably not since it would more than likely remain blank - lol. Just saying,
  7. jimbo4 Posted Tuesday at 05:44 AM Two reasons many people are not appreciative of Paul. (Content No Longer Available) Still believe Paul (a Putin lookalike) is a snot nose useless piece of shit. Russian men sure know how to show their love with their fists, hands and aggressive threatening behavior. Yet Leora still loves him? Well, match made in Russia. Go figure.
  8. They are hurting themselves, hurting RLC and hurting their fan base. Whatever is going on with them might be real life but offers little to nothing for RLC and subscribers. Personally I believe RLC themselves are also in a similar conundrum and don't know what to do or as a voyeur cam site owner they have let tenants control the asylum for unknown reasons. RLC has their head in the sand.
  9. RLC makes tons of money from boring asses and RLC sure has a site full of them. Just watch them - YAWN!!!
  10. Even real life couples don't do blowjobs under the cover but I could be wrong and perhaps RLC knows more than us. RLC keeps pissing off subscribers but few cancel. Go figure.
  11. You ain't missin' a thing on either the voyeur cams or the forum.
  12. I think it is about time that Leora gives Paul his baths and teach him how to properly cleanse himself. Leora does it right.
  13. After years of reading forum topics at xcamfan (and the chat room), here at camcaps and in the voyeur-house.tv forum it sure makes me think about the mentality of people - YIKES!!! No wonder this world is so fucked up now. If you generally agree with my statement then you are normal. If you disagree with what I said then I suggest you get some much needed help.
  14. Leora is hungry for sex. Leora needs a daily gang bang of multiple men and women to give her a more fulfilling sex life.
  15. Gotta love this forum topic. A lot of pi-polar members and very sensitive know-it-alls. More action here than in the apartment. Some keep saying that if you have problems with the Leora & Paul apartment then follow others apartments or quit RLC. Well, likewise, if you have problems with this specific topic then use the ignore option, follow other apartment forum topics or quit camcaps. Simple. So many members here have their panties in a knot or if you go commando then maybe you have irritating hemorrhoids. Some members better have their blood pressure checked on a daily basis or even hourly.
  16. Without mentioning specifics since it would cause a ton of criticism, I will say that it is painful to follow this apartment now. When they were in the old Russian apartment it was fair game and permitted to badmouth a certain individual without any pushback in these forums (camcaps and xcamfan) but now any disparaging comments get reprimanded by others. Why is this so different now? Back then it was even a fan topic. Now we have many topics going for this apartments but wherever you comment - WATCH WHAT YOU SAY. The apartment is tough to watch now for various reasons while this topic is tough to comment in now. Don't need a forum mod since we have several topic mods/police.
  17. RLC modus operandi - offer little as possible to diehard subscribers while taking in the steady flow of cash. Easy money for minimum work. RLC is laughing and even useless tenants pride themselves for providing fuel for all the negative comments in these forum topics while subscribers can't let go of RLC. No sympathy for this couple or subscribers that pay to watch fuck all on a adult voyeur cam site. As one subscriber cancels there are probably 2 or 3 signing up. RLC has a cash cow going for it. It is not the tenants fault for being boring as fuck. Blame RLC for condoning and providing shit tenants for this type of site. And give your head a shake about RLC and tenants living their real life. Masturbation or sex or nudity intentionally for the cams is not a normal daily real life activity for real people. It is all about pussy, ass, tits and cock for the money, rent and extras. Linda and Tibor were good in the past but currently offer next to nothing except a negative home environment. With respect to Linda & Tibor and RLC - "SHIT OR GET OFF THE POT"!!!
  18. Love when a woman touches her own pussy and great viewing when she spreads her pussy lips wide so that you can see all the good stuff inside - yummy.
  19. Ok, since enquiring minds want to know - has anyone ever notice Paul waking up with a woody?
  20. Gotta love all the infighting in this forum topic which, at times, becomes more exciting to look at instead of the apartment cams. "Questionable" real life combined with allowable "speculation" and "wishful" activities with respect to this apartment sure pits one side against another. Leora might be happy having Paul around but sometimes she looks frustrated and down. People have to keep in mind that voyeur cam sites ARE NOT 100% real life. It is all for show and money. Simple. Any similarities going on here compared to that of Linda and Tibor? Even their forum topic has the same type of infighting. Each has a horny (wanting sex) spouse while the other is dead cold or somewhat willing between sleeps.
  21. OOOH LAAA LAAA!!! Magnificent (herrlich). Beautiful. Now I am so hungry for some pussy and ass - delicious. Great tan lines too. Refreshing to see all these pics as she poses.
  22. I think it is time for Linda to be a nudist and a masturbatist within the walls of RLC. masturbatist A professional masturbater Sam:"what do you want to be when you grow up" Jim: " a Masturbatist".
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