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Everything posted by kzsjzkdjs

  1. Rita is not packing today. Her possessions are still in their places in her room. That is not to say she will not later or tomorrow, but I think Rita will be here for another month. Please not another month with Rita. If she could go back to Russia and if Jenny could stay in the appartment.
  2. she is too shy. I may be wrong, but I really don't think she's shy. I think she stopped showing skin because of something that was said to her. I think she's actually very self-confident in all she does. She's certainly not afraid to speak her mind. Just ask Nora. ;D she never masturbated in front of cam so she will never have sex in the appartment.
  3. She is too shy to do anything with this guy in the appartment.
  4. they already had sex in the bathroom 1 hour ago thanks cop !sometime when j read your posts,j think really you work for rlc why you don't go to the new website la maison du sexe. They have sex more often and it's free .... ahah,you let me laught,it's you you talk like that,you are the first person for posts here when couples start sex on rlc, go read your last posts on suzan/hector,you see one good sex session with suzan and you say"oh yes it's the best couple on rlc"you are just ridiculous. hector is the best asshole we have actually on rlc so can you stop make the cop with many members here,thanks,you make me tired,bye I have certainly seen more sex of suzan and hector than you. and you gonna win a gold medal for that,congratulations... I don't understand how you can make your oppinion on a couple when you have only access to the free cam. You said maya and stephan have not enough sex but all you can see is the living room cam. And same things for Hector and Suzan.
  5. And compared to the other couple we have at the moment (including carina and sabrina) they are probablybthe more interisting (suzan and hector).
  6. they already had sex in the bathroom 1 hour ago thanks cop !sometime when j read your posts,j think really you work for rlc why you don't go to the new website la maison du sexe. They have sex more often and it's free .... ahah,you let me laught,it's you you talk like that,you are the first person for posts here when couples start sex on rlc, go read your last posts on suzan/hector,you see one good sex session with suzan and you say"oh yes it's the best couple on rlc"you are just ridiculous. hector is the best asshole we have actually on rlc so can you stop make the cop with many members here,thanks,you make me tired,bye I have certainly seen more sex of suzan and hector than you.
  7. they already had sex in the bathroom 1 hour ago thanks cop !sometime when j read your posts,j think really you work for rlc why you don't go to the new website la maison du sexe. They have sex more often and it's free .... french people, free , sex all the days. The perfect website for you. ;D
  8. Absolutely not. It's never with the aim of hurting her. And if you listen her you can hear that she laughs when they fight on the bed.
  9. I have sent to sanper all my best pictures of each girls since the beginning of this appartment. ;)
  10. Lo puedo intentar amigos... Voy a necesitar esas fotos/capturas amigo kzsjzkdjs ... pásamelas por MP SALUDOS. MP sent ;)
  11. I have a lot of pics for you sanper if you want for this photo collage.
  12. I like the ass and the breast of lilu too My favourite girl since the beginning of this appartment (even if she didn't show a lot).
  13. c'est le style de relation à la "je t'aime moi non plus", çà me fait penser à carina/sabrina qui ont besoin de s'engueuler avant de faire l'amour, bien étrange toutes ses relations amoureuses Most of the time the best sex session are after having a fight.
  14. If you don't like what you see why you don't stop your membership ?
  15. Voyeur website: watch the life of people 24/7. In a voyeur website sex is more a bonus unlike a porn website.
  16. What a way to end your final days on RLC. Bring home a one night stand. Sitting bored all month has it's rewards for some. Para mí no es una recompensa que solamente un dia en todo un mes haya algo de espectaculo. Señores, son 45 dólares al mes por ver un polvo de mierda en el sofá, creo que no es rentable... Y joder...es que tenía que ser Jenny, para mi gusto habría sido de mucho más valor Rita y ya no te digo si hubiera ocurrido con Kamila, casi tengo un orgasmo solo de imaginarlo... @ yomismo : it was not enough for you ? I really don't understand you. If you want more go to a pornsite. It was certainly one of the best moment since the beginning of this appartment. Seriously? This is a porn site voyeur website..why do you think they charge what they charge ...for the sex and nudity not just for the "real life bullshit. if it was just about watching people on their computers and mobile phones or watching tv then i don't think there would much of a charge :"$45" or interest in this apartments and RLC wouldn't be raking in the money like they are right now.You just happen to have a bunch of peeps that cover from the cams etc and if it wasn't for that then nobody would be bitching that this isn't a porn site cause you would see the whole explicit fucking etc like you do in adriana and daniels apartment..
  17. What a way to end your final days on RLC. Bring home a one night stand. Sitting bored all month has it's rewards for some. Para mí no es una recompensa que solamente un dia en todo un mes haya algo de espectaculo. Señores, son 45 dólares al mes por ver un polvo de mierda en el sofá, creo que no es rentable... Y joder...es que tenía que ser Jenny, para mi gusto habría sido de mucho más valor Rita y ya no te digo si hubiera ocurrido con Kamila, casi tengo un orgasmo solo de imaginarlo... @ yomismo : it was not enough for you ? I really don't understand you. If you want more go to a pornsite. It was certainly one of the best moment since the beginning of this appartment.
  18. Jenny is finally a hot girl. And everything wich can make Nora angry is good for this appartment.
  19. I think Nora will never want to sit on the couch after what jenny and her boyfriend did yesterday so she will burn the couch today.
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