I don't think there is a video of them fucking yet. The only one in the attachment center is Suzan masturbating in the tub with the showerhead.
I'll have a look on a couple other sites and see if there is one.
SC i watched them when they first moved in but it was like some more on here...UNDER THE COVER so i didn't record it Sorry.
That was when they first moved in. He didn't last to long. There a couple pics in the picture section but have seen no video of it. They'll likely do it again. Next time there will likely be a recording if anyone catches it.
they had sex two days ago.
His behavior has been very selfish and immature. I don't blame her for exploding. That kind of treatment to your wife is going to destroy just about any relationship. He should always put her first, but he should also be able to spend time with his male friends, too. Just not near as much as he has been doing.
One hour after their fight they had sex.
it was quick but good. Suzan enjoyed the fucking session especially the preliminary when he was fingering/licking her under the cover and without the cover at the end. I saw the entire beautiful body of Suzan. It's enough for me.
;) ;)Estas 2 chicas ya llegan de la calle al apartaamento relajadas ( folladas ).Con la cantidad de horas que pasan en la calle si fueran de compras llegarian con alguna bolsa y llegan con las manos vacias.Ademas esta chica casi estuvo todo el dia fuera y hoy domingo en Barcelona tiendas estan cerradas. Lo dicho estas follan fuera del apartamento. >:( >:(
they can do what they want when they are outside of the appartment. They don't need your permission ?
I wanted you to have a chance to diss her in a new thread...
And so what if i started a new thread, its not like there is a set limit of threads that can be created... me just thinks you like to complain all the time.
As there was already a thread "Nora and kiko" I just don't understand why you need to create a new thread to talk about them.
And me I will be happy the day her and kiko will move out the appartment.
PS: Why do you need to create another thread on Nora ? There is many other threads about her.