Probably so that you don't hear the plop noise every time they take a shit..
the only one bathroom where there is mics is the polina bathroom because there is no WC. It's also the only one bathroom where we will never see anything.
the bathroom of polina lets see her fully nude with every shower, with a much better quality than the shower of maya or alina! If you do not see anything in this bathroom, we really need to think about change of scope or consider a corneal transplant! Obviously, if you think you see her thighs spread wide with a magnum of champagne hold in the ass, sucking 30 guys one after the other, you'll have to wait a bit! :-\ >:(
I wanted to say sex with egor or polina masturbating. But I'm sure you had understood that Corboblanc. We don't need mics if it's only to see her taking a shower.