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Everything posted by kzsjzkdjs

  1. it's the first time I find any interest in this girl.
  2. with the risk of being ban from RLC no thank you.
  3. you didn't see the third girl who didn't hide either.
  4. the other blonde didn't stay for the night ?
  5. me too. I was also watching and I saw kamila removing her towel and at this moment monica went back to her bedroom.
  6. That lasted about four minutes and yes she had an orgasm.
  7. I remember I saw Demid packing some clothes during the afternoon I don't know if Dasha left with him.
  8. I didn't watch her bedroom during the last days so I didn't know the bottle was on the floor since 3 days.
  9. I can see the famous bottle on the floor in her bedroom. Did she use it today ?
  10. I so wish that people would be a little more specific in their accusations and tell us exactly who they are speaking of and which situation they consider an act of hiding. Because I obviously don't watch 24/7, but the times I did watch I havn't seen any of these girls "intentionally" hide! So you never see one of these girls taking a shower or kamila when she is changing clothes snaky ?
  11. I think it's absolutely not write in their contract that they have to show their body.
  12. Lo mejor es imagenes.net, no te pide registro y solo tienes que cojer la foto, arrastrarla hasta la pantalla y confirmar el enlace, luego a compartir ;) Really appreciate an answer in a fricking language I don't speak.... the best is imagenes.net. Don't need to register. Past the picture, drag it up to the screen, confirm the link and ready to share.
  13. Call me if you are ready to do other bets. I really need money.
  14. I think he doesn't care you said you recorded or not. He just asks you for the link to the video.
  15. compared to alisa and nika they are not good looking. The girl on the left from cam 1 has not a beautifull face. alisa se gano nuestro respeto en cuanto a nika cualquier chica es mejor , la nueva morena tiene un buen culo y la rubia un buen par de razones . maybe we can ask RLC to have a girl with the ass of the first girl, the tits of the second girl and the face of alisa ;D
  16. really ? ;D in the attachment section you are just two pages late.
  17. compared to alisa and nika they are not good looking. The girl on the left from cam 1 has not a beautifull face.
  18. monica will be in the bedroom of alisa and kamila in the bedroom of nika.
  19. Do you know something we don't know? Just curious. It´s not rocket science, RLC has changed Noras name from her old room to Alisas room. the bedroom with cam 5 and 6 is still the nora's room on RLC. THe bedroom of alisa was the bedrom with cam 7 and 8 (you can see under the plan of the appartment). Nothing has changed and the appartment is still under maintenance
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