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Everything posted by kzsjzkdjs

  1. Lilu was touching herself a little (without cover) when she was watching a film on her laptop in her bedroom before they started playing their game. I think she will be the first to do something in front of cam.
  2. and this is true because it's from the RLC newsletter.
  3. I realized just after posting that this part of the forum is for bug on CC.
  4. desactiva y activa de nuevo y ya funciona , a mi tambien me pasa , hay camaras que no detectan por ejem camara 9 de marta no detecta . Thanks darkman. I did that but it still don't work. I sent an email to RLC support.
  5. I have prenium account and most of the time the motion detection don't work in all the appartment. Why ?
  6. You've given me nothing so far except your own imaginings - give me some evidence. How do you know? Did you see her go into this room? What camera we you using when you saw her go into this room. I'm just after evidence - I can't see a room there but I'm not saying that there isn't one. Jyst prove that there is. By the way if you believe that a sex is when people change their clothes then I can recommend a good book you ought to be reading. Oh, and as I said - none of the present residents have shown the slightest inclination to hide fom the cameras. They have all changed many times in full view. Oh, and explain please - what is DERP? We can see that from the nora's cam 5 and old mia's cam 9.
  7. No, I don't think there is another room. What is the evidence for there being one there? I can't see anything. As for there not being cameras in the wash-room, all apartments have a privacy area with no camera access. there is a room with no cam near the nora's room. Its all right saying there's a room - but how do you know? What can you see that I can't maybe it's not a bedroom but nora and the other girl (sofie or lilu I don't know who is who) took a mattress trom this room for the old mia's room just before the third girl went back home.
  8. No, I don't think there is another room. What is the evidence for there being one there? I can't see anything. As for there not being cameras in the wash-room, all apartments have a privacy area with no camera access. there is a room with no cam near the nora's room.
  9. they are in the appartment only since friday. You have to be patient.
  10. the blonde started touching the brunette, she removed her panties but the brunette is always scared of being naked in front of cam so she said no to the blonde and they stopped. Scared? Don't know how you work that out - she's showers and walks around the flat naked and has "performed" naked too on two or three occasions. Now if you had said that she was not comfortable with being "the receiver", then I would tend to agree with you (although there is evidence against that too). I think she's more comfortable being "the giver" and maybe has to be more in the mood (which she clearly wasn't tonight) to be on the receiving end. What I see is she is not very comfortable when she has to show her pussy. When she is shaving she is always back to the cam. Yesterday she really doesn't want that the blonde removed her panties.
  11. No it was a joke. It's just because they like baloon I think.
  12. they work for a company which deliver balloons.
  13. the blonde started touching the brunette, she removed her panties but the brunette is always scared of being naked in front of cam so she said no to the blonde and they stopped.
  14. THe boyfriend of the hot blonde went at 11h30 PM local time and he went to the balcony with demid. I didn't see what he did after. It seems he left the appartment. He had not been there, I've watched from the beginning. I clearly see him at 11h30 PM. It seems you missed the moment when he was in the living room. They came to the apartment 11.50 PM, local time, Dasha, Demid and two guest girls. That different guy came at 00.13. No one has been there before 11.50 PM. I am sure of that, because I have had the cameras open for the entire evening in the kitchen, hall and bedroom. And I'm sure I saw him.
  15. I don't think that is the same girl. The other one had different hair and well, looks different. she was here at the beginning. With the other couple who is in the living room now.
  16. THe boyfriend of the hot blonde went at 11h30 PM local time and he went to the balcony with demid. I didn't see what he did after. It seems he left the appartment. He had not been there, I've watched from the beginning. I clearly see him at 11h30 PM. It seems you missed the moment when he was in the living room.
  17. THe boyfriend of the hot blonde went at 11h30 PM local time and he went to the balcony with demid. I didn't see what he did after. It seems he left the appartment.
  18. no,the blond is alone,the boy here is not her boyfriend He went maybe 5 minutes after your first post but I don't know where he is now.
  19. It's the blonde father who went on the beginning of the week I think.
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