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Everything posted by itay

  1. her shower: RLC Replay REPLAY.REALLIFECAM.COM Watch your favorite cams in 24-hour recording
  2. RLC Replay REPLAY.REALLIFECAM.COM Watch your favorite cams in 24-hour recording sex, showed some boobs and then from cam 3 in the end also her pussy
  3. here is a good shower she took yesterday: RLC Replay REPLAY.REALLIFECAM.COM Watch your favorite cams in 24-hour recording
  4. ooopel and others, can you please stop uploading to that site, i can never see the picture from there for some reason. thanks
  5. i tried to uninstall and reinstall adobe flash but it didn't help. i tried with both chrome and explorer
  6. does anyone else get this message: "Unsupported video format. Try installing Adobe Flash"? i did update but it didn't help
  7. most ukrainians are speaking russian due to many years under russian regime. originaly ukranian was more like polish. idiologicly they hate each other.
  8. BBsq69 , there is nothing to blame israel for. while i do not agree with the opinions and actions of the current prime minister i do not blame my country a single bit. the fact is that we offered them greate peace many times, and even let them have parts of jerusalem inculding holly places of the jewish people. yet they declined it time after time. the problem of the palestinians is not the 67 lines but the 48 line. the plo started in 64, before we took over of the west bank and gaza and their mission was to destroy israel and jews. before 67 the west bank arabs were part of jorden and the gaza arab part of eygpt and they never asked for a country. israel is not the one to blame for the palestinien not having a country, they are the only one to blame. and about the muslim wars. i don't like any side but the irani side is much more dangerous to the entire world then the one led by saudia. for many decades the saudies funded terror and schools of hatered, but they realized that they can't contain them and start fighting terror including suni terror. iran is the biggest terror funder there is today and they on the path of gaining nuclear weapon (much due to your beloved obama). the world must take the suni side or it will pay big time and the years to come. corboblanc. i assume you are israeli like i am as only in israel we use the term daech. the rest of the world knows it as ISIS. while i hava no problem Isis and other organizations killing asad,iranian and hizbballa and vice versa, it does create huge terror problme to the rest of the world, and worst then that is gives iran and hizballa some credibillity as they seem to be saviours of the world fighing ISIS
  9. ww_watcher you are not entirly correct, it was the shae who decided to nationalize the oil, he was also in proccess of devoloping a nuclear weapon (with greate help of then friend israel) this two things made the usa and the british to help the islamic to take over. i know this for a fact as both of my parents were iranian and fled to israel after the revoloution. it is not true that the usa foster the war to protect israel. in effect it is well known that the usa give weapon to iraq whilst israel give weapon to iran as sadaam was a bitter enemy of israel. iraq never had a nuclear weapon. they tried to develop it but the nuclear reactor was bomb by israel (which many years later the un condemned israel for regardless of the fact that without us they probebly would have used it on the usa during the first gulf war) speaking of nuclear bombs, few years before the uprising israel bombed a nuclear reactor they were secretly developing. think how things would be today if they had a bomb and isis or other terror organization would take over it? but go on everybody, keep blaming israel for everything. the fact is that we helped the western world much more then they helped us, if the usa wasn't so vein and listen to israel warning about the 9/11 it would be prevented. israel knew about it and delivered a very detailed info about it to usa officials but was ignored because nobody thought it can happen back then.
  10. what amazes me is that no one care about jews being killed by terrorist in israel. infact it was last week when the eu decided to boycut products from settelments (including from golan region which never was part of the israeli palestinian war, it was taken from syria). 18 israelies were killed and dozens injured in over 10 terrorist attacks is israeli (mostly stabbing attacks) and yet the world blames israel for using "unproportional force" upon the terrorist commiting those attack. some of the media in the world (bbc cnn and so) even went as far as telling their audience about arab casualties and not telling those casualties were terrorist that stabbed inocent people. and israel is not alone in this. over 200 russians were killed in a plane crush after isis plant a bomb in this plane. over the years thousends of african people got slaughtered due to terror attack and no one cared. 132 franch people are killed and everybody loses their minds. talking about double standerds... foamy, u say u did not create the monster? half true, the monster was there before u, but you sure helped him become way stronger that is was. it's the usa that helped the islami rebals to bring down the king of iran and start the islami revoulution. this helped fund shea terror all over the world in the last 3 and half decade. now the use given iran the green light to create nuclear bomb, let's see how this one ends. the mujahedin, which later created al quida was helped greatly by the usa in order to fight russia. it was the usa who took down sadam hussein, this helped iran to get so much stronger, and helped the rise of isis. same about kadafi in libya. libya was silent when he ruled there now there are isis and 1000 tribes killing each other and sending terrorist and weapon to europe. egypt was silent until the usa and europe turned their backs on mubarak and helped the muslim brother gain power. now u have isis taking down planes over sinai. syria, the west was obssesed about taking down asad. few years later 250000 people were slaughtered, including with chimical weapons. u got isis controlling third of the country, hizzballa is stronger then ever due to tons of weapons they got from asad and training they gained in the years of war. u got russian sending soldiers over there and creating a forward base in the middle east, as well as iran doing the same. the bush regime forced the palestinien to have democracy and they chose hamas which since then took over gaza strip killing tens of palestinien in the way and launching over 10000 of missle on israel. every time the usa or europe involved in middle eastern issues they only make things worst. so, yes is was there but it was much better before u all. it's sad to say this but as an israeli i hope for another 9/11 so the world wake up. the usa need a big slap on the face to understand the war she is already in.
  11. yup, it has already begun, and the damn obama regime is to stupid to see it. infact they are a big reason it begun. ww3 might start as a war with russia but in the end they will turn on russia just as hitller did. the war is a religious war. many think it's not their buisness. no one care about muslims killing each other and even less care when muslim kill jews, but god forbid if it is the other way around. when jewish people kill a muslim, even in self defense after the muslim have stabbed few jewish people the muslim is a victim for the israeli apartheid and all the other crap and bs you hear on cnn and bbc. for the past 2 weeks more then 20 terror attacks (mostly stabbing) occured in israel. 7 got killed dozenes injured but bbc telling everybody that 10 arabs were killed by israelies, regardless to the fact those 10 where terrorist killed after commiting terror attack. so back to the point - ww3 has begun, it is a war on radical islam, isis, al quida, hizballa, hamas and many others. currently the mostly killing each other since some of them or shia islam and some sunni islam. the shia islam, led by iren and helped by russia is hell bent on killing sunnies and destroy there regimes, mainly saudi arabia. thus they help syria in a mass killing of over 250000 people and help hizbala and practicly controlling lebanon and help shia rebles in yeman to take over the country. russia is helping them in an excuse of fighting isis but they really fighting all opponets of syrian tyrant because they have some importent bases in syria and the want to stick a finger in all western eyes. the west, led by muslim lover obama, is so afraid of isis they made a deal with the devel the will lead to hundreds of billions to reach back to iran and from there to every shia terro organization and every other terror groups that fights israel. evantualy, just like korea the will create a nuclear bomb. in europe they are dead scared from russia due to it's action in ukraine. plus they have tens of millions of muslims in there country, thousands of them already joined isis, many more support them in europe, and now millions more coming there way. the war has already begun, the middle east is the front line, and just like with hittler the west is so tired and scared of war they doing every possible mistake, that will lead to much greater, worser war in the future. it will beggin as a war of shia islam and russia, versus the west and sunni islam with radical sunni being a wildcard and attacking everybody.
  12. why can't i see many of the pictures in here? the first one on this page for exemple
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