is there someone here who said people are not here for fun? I just said that people in the coldest country are always naked, nothing more, it was not an insult, it was not disrespectful, it was just an ascertainment, nothing more. what "ILoveSuzaneAndHector" said was that Jabbath didn't understood what I was saying. and none of us said he wasn't here for fun nor doesn't appreciate that they are naked all the time.
and to be honest there is a lot of people here on CC who are not here for fun but just to criticize the couple. I have NEVER seen a couple without something negative about them, I've seen "they never fuck", "They just fuck they never do anything else", "they never leave the house, they don't have a job", "they are never in the house, I pay for nothing", or my fav "I don't pay to see men naked". people here on CC are not here for fun, but to to criticize. that's sad because all those sites, RLC, VV, VHTV... they are interesting, ok there is couple that are weird, or that we don't like, but nobody force us to watch those we don't like. So I am sad to see that people cannot just appreciat what they see. (sorry for that I just wanted to say what was in my mind haha)