Thanks for the info, that explains why she looked so sad before Nina came hoime, she was upset from the crash and then she knew she had to tell Nina about it.
Their also seemed to be raised voices as soon as Nina came in so perhaps she noticed the new dents in the car on the driveway.
All the videos I uploaded are now on dirtybin
(The Video Content is no longer accessible and has been removed).
Filename to the left and dirtybin link to the right, so you can look at what you already grabbed and get any that you didn't :)
All the other videos from the night, they have playing the game, chatting, goofing about etc.
The videos above are the better ones but these are a few friends just having fun
( Links Removed).
Have to go do some stuff, if there are still issues with these links then I will look at uploading them elsewhere :)