Personally, I haven't posted anything lately because I haven't seen anything to record. except for Ariel & Harvey's porn star routines, everyone's been relatively quiet. or too quick to catch.
As for videos being posted elsewhere, we post to share don't we? Can you tell if it's the same video or just a simultaneous recording? While Likes & Thank You's are always appreciated, I don't get butt-hurt if I don't get them, I'm not here to get my ego stroked.
Unfortunately, because of registration (Which I was under the impression it was to stop the spam & the few shitty comments from "anons", not to restrict anyone's access to post or request) we've had a few newbies making requests before the know our SOP. the other newbs see a post like 'send it to my email' and think that is the way to do it and followed suit. Those should be deleted in my opinion, along with the whole "share your password" & "script codes" since they are no longer relevant.
'Action going on, somebody cap' requests I appreciate, since it alerts me when I may be paying attention to another apartment. If I can, I'm more than happy to jump over & record.
The only posts that bother me are the snide comments about what a piece of shit these guys are because they spend time on their computers and not fucking 24/7. Honestly, none of these girls are suffering from a lack of sex. They might not get everything they want, but who does? People sitting in front of their computers bitching about other people sitting in front of their computers is really hypocritical. They still have more sex than you do. If you really need to trash other people in an attempt to feel better about yourself, seek professional help.
OK, done ranting for now.