Oh my god, you so stupid?
You really don't see a so simple things?
I see, that blondy working in reataurants. maybe she is barmen or cook.
Cause I saw, that she cuts vegetables really good and professional.
So now I'll know, why she don't like cooking in the apartments.
And I'll see that Kira and Nina working in one job. Cause she (Kira tell about it) They always talking about work.
But I don't know why brunette always cry. 3 or 4 days ago I listen that she tell with her mam or sister.
I think that her parents don't understand her not traditional choice.
So... It's my thing about it.
I'm really sorry about my mistakes, I know English not very well.
p.s Blondy have so beatifull voice.
But I wanna see a more sex.
Maybe role-play?
Or strip?
And I like this blondy)
I think that she really cool and kind.
And her smile... Mmmm....