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Everything posted by JD007

  1. Same here! Rosie right now reminds me of the way Rita used to lay on the bed and read or study. I hope she stays the full amount of time allowed
  2. 1) Have the Ignore List do what it is intended to do. The member who puts another member on the Ignore List should never see a post from the ignored member. No posts because the ignored member is quoted and the ignored member cannot respond to the members post when he/she replies to a quote of any member. The ignored member should not be able to see the members post at any time, Have a three strike rule for repeat offenders of the rules of the board. If a member is reprimanded and/or suspended three times for rules violations he/she has shown total disregard for the rules and should be banned from the site. 2) Automatic refresh of the threads that the member chooses at an interval the member chooses. Help feature added to assist members with questions on setting up profile and an explanation of each field in the setup when the section is hovered over. More emoticons in the reply section. Lower the upper limit on font size in the reply box. 3) Re separate the B1 and B2 apartments. It is too hard to keep up with posts when they are combined and a lot of confusion on which apartment is being talked about from post to post. 4) Allowing too many repetitive post in all threads. Allowing problem members to continue to violate rules, bully other members and the moderators, and troll the threads. Not enough Moderators to assist members and monitor the forum. Not having a representative from RLC in the Voyeur Style Cam Sites thread. Thank you Admin for listening to the members and always trying to make the forum better. Also thanks to the Moderators who make the forum run as smoothly as possible. You both have a thankless job and are appreciated!
  3. Such long beautiful legs on Martina! Actually there is nothing on Martina that is not beautiful
  4. Sad situation in this apartment from the start. Dasha is a beautiful sweet woman. She is with a control freak in Demid. He has smothered Dasha from day one. I would hate to see Dasha go but she deserves a man who cares for her and is not her master. It might be best if they were replaced with new tenants. In saying all this it may be routine maintenance and they are not going anywhere.
  5. Gina knows better than to lay in bed like she usually does with the twins. With Stella she might lose her virginity
  6. As I watched Rosie bating a thought came to me I would want Rosie with me if I was lost in the wilderness. Don't need matches or two sticks to rub together. Just hand her some pocket lint, describe a scene from some porn movie and there would be fire. One of the best undercover bates I've seen to date
  7. I had Karol do lots of things she might not have wanted to.. in my dreams! That's the beauty of dreams, no boundaries
  8. I wonder if goofball has confronted her about being naked so much. Who knows what is going on in his tiny brain. She seems to cover up more lately and is not as open as before. He constantly smothers her and keeps her upset. I now only watch her when i am sure he is not there which isn't very often now.
  9. Thanks Hope 85 for all you do! Martina is one sexy woman Members 70,168 7,273 posts Posted 7 minutes ago · Report post
  10. Poor Jenny couldn't win! I remember after Jenny had sex on the couch Nora blew a gasket. Washed all the pillow cases and fumigated the couch for an hour. Funny but she didn't do that after she and Kiko had sex on it. I think she was the first girl to have sex besides Nora in B1
  11. Martina, You are such a beautiful woman! I hope you will dance more like you did earlier in the kitchen, It was very sexy!
  12. To the guys hid out in Rosie's room. You could have informed us she has that wonderful backside on display. Or did you all sneak out to watch Belle?
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