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Everything posted by JD007

  1. Newark congrats on retirement! I retired Jan 1 and am loving it. I actually get up about when Leora does so I have it made
  2. That's one of the things I like about Belle, unpredictable. She is not like some others with the same routine from day to day. Have to be on toes watching Belle because she is laying on bed looking at cell phone one minute and wild sexy dancing on top of bed next minute
  3. I noticed that also. May have been on the cell phone where there is no sound on camera. Saw same type situation another day and she was talking on cell phone in front of cam 5.
  4. I just watched Stesha get up for the day. It is amazing that she can look that beautiful after just waking up
  5. I'd say so! Playing and rubbing for quite a while with light on I've had a time keeping up with her and Irma/Stella past hour.
  6. You are right wathou. I think second to money, cell phones are the root of all evil. I stated that the girls have a life outside the apartment and I don't want them forced into staying in 24/7. I think though that they are young and once they get a taste of the Barcelona lifestyle some go overboard on the outside activities. That is why I said there needs to be a leader among them. Someone to maybe not force them to stay at the apartment more but remind them why they are there.
  7. There are two things that make me upset with any tenant in RLC. One is the hiding and intentionally blocking the view of the customers. The other is the tenants being outside the apartment more than they are in it. When Kamila first came to B1 she placed a piece of tape on the counter of the bathroom sink. She would then put a shampoo bottle over the tape blocking the view of her in the bathtub. She would also hide in the utility room and change her clothes. Rita was absent the first three days she was supposed to be in B1. She finally showed up for one hour , packed a bag and left for two more days. I was fighting mad that I was paying a premium membership to watch tenants play games hiding and not being there. I and others raised hell on the board for several days. Nothing changed. Finally one of the members sent me a PM and suggested we all send an E-Mail to RLC about it.We did and got the reply from RLC that they would look into it. A few days later Kamila took up the piece of tape and quit hiding. Rita started staying in the apartment more. You could tell it pissed them off but they got over it. I'm not saying RLC will immediately take action on every complaint sent to them. But maybe if enough members sent constructive E-Mails with the same concerns things might change. I know it worked at least one time in the past. I have also seen it work recently concerning cam quality, adding cams, and cam positions. I have never been a Nora fan but I will say that I think she would read the posts of CC members and act if needed on complaints about B1. I think that B1/B2 needs one of the girls to be the leader like Nora. I like Irma but she is not a leader. I know the girls have a life outside the apartment and should not have to stay inside 24/7.They need someone to monitor activities outside vs inside the apartment and balance the two. This is my long post for the year
  8. That could have been a disaster. Looking at Leora's long beautiful legs and then they were gone
  9. I think now that Gina has gotten used to the cams she really enjoys being nude in front of them. She now is nude or semi-nude every chance she gets. Just now she adjusted the bed cover and herself to make sure she was showing everything before she went to sleep. It may not be long before she decides to make herself and everyone happy
  10. That was weird to me too. Also when she got up to go to shower she walked around with both hands between her legs. I thought maybe she just didn't want to stain the sheets or get any on the floor,lol.
  11. Thes I agree with you. I think that it will be hard to get back to good discussions like in the past though. Times have changed at both RLC and CC. Used to the discussions were based on the fact that the poster could only discuss what they saw or heard in the apartment they were watching. Now some posters go outside RLC and follow the tenants on social media bringing this information into the discussions. To me that takes the fun out of the discussion. What is left to discuss if everything is known and nothing is left to the imagination? Thes, you pretty much covered it in your two posts. I hope we can get back to the discussions where posters can express their opinions with each other in a friendly and civil manner. IMHO
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