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Everything posted by fax_pug

  1. SG remets ta vie en ordre avant de venir régir celles des autres. je ne sais pas qui est RDking et je m’en fou.
  2. Don’t you think that she was so ” not happy” with her life at Krasnoyarsk that she moved out from her country ? Paul is a good guy for a Russian but he’s not a saint and he isn’t very loving. He often chose to pet Eva instead of kissing or hugging Leora. To his credit, he let her do what she wanted and she probably loves him for that. Leora reacted so badly last year to Poutine’s ending of protests of young that I think she was not happy in her country. RLC certainly tried to negotiate with her a new arrangement, she may have also push them to that. Prague is the opportunity of a lifetime for her to escape a life at Krasnoyarsk and discover literally a new world. Russia is not that much fun you know. I’ve been there for work, you don’t travel much, you don’t have many opportunities to do stuff like we do in Europe with a medium wage. Last and certainly not last, she kept her independence, as a strong woman it’s very important and I admire her for that. She knows what and why she’s doing what she does, she’s good at it and she likes it. She maybe be struggling with some stuff now, but who doesn’t ? And you wanted reality, don’t you ? That’s it ! Now the elephant in the room, you probably won’t guess : You ! You want her to be a good girl, go to her man and behave properly. She doesn’t, so what ?
  3. Another one who knows better … Come on guys, you look like old ladies in a salon gossiping about the young neighbour … you really spend a lot of time thinking what she should do for het own good of course. Get a life and enjoy the show from time to time.
  4. She decided something has to change, she seems to be in a good mood. the neighbours will be too apparently
  5. Dennis could be a nude model for her, it would break the ice … what do you think ?
  6. I discovered Rlc and Leora in 2015 when a website like Wired posted an article about people showing there life’s on the web. I watched camgirls before but only for sex, maybe something like voyeur Brazil house looked like that but none had Leora. I was hooked and will be till the end of time.
  7. Dennis is US, we would love to be that close to Leora with a little hope of achievement knowing it'll probably for the show. Regardless, Leora is daring more and more around him showing breast, pussy, almost bating ... I expect something see trough at a point ... nothing physical, maybe loudly sounds across the appartment.
  8. I wouldn't go that far, she seems to manage her life somehow, but my interest is more on the cats since the boob job. Same for Kitty.
  9. Talking about that, two days ago she bated on the pillow he'll use soon ..
  10. Leora doesn't reveal all her cards at once, it's better for us and for her. You're not that naive...
  11. She's giddy and daring around him, I think it's great.
  12. Nice pantyhose I hope it'll be in use later Gorgeous lady as always.
  13. She”s more sexy eating than most of girls fucking
  14. That was great thank you. sexy is not over yet …
  15. To make a lot of you scream I hope she”ll invite Dennis when Paul is here in December. Then she”ll show us some skin to make them very inconfortable then exit to spend the night with LB …
  16. Some wanted something new and real, it can't be more real than that ... She'll be fine, her body is reacting, it's painfull. It'll go away soon. Leora I hope it will be over soon. take care.
  17. Why not shut up instead of being mean for the sake of it ? It serves no argument and no one so ? Didn't you have any education ? respecting others is part of it.
  18. You are really full of it. What do you want ? an orgy ? then three days later you'll say you're bored.
  19. Is it me or the last orgasms are more intense ?
  20. It was a very very good day thanks my queen.
  21. she's preparing "compote", dry berries in water, very commun in Russia.
  22. In what world do you live in ? She's always in a show, she likes it and it pays well so she can be independent from men (like you and me ?) And back in Russia it was the same except maybe the time she performed painting and sewing.
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