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Everything posted by Howard

  1. Don't tell Jugghead (or whatever his name is). I'm an SOB and evidentially a troll.
  2. YOU know them - you should have concern. I don't know them. I have people I know, and have ties to, that deserve my concern for their welfare. Also, when you swear and insult someone, you've lost the argument (or debate).
  3. I 100% could care less about each and every one. I might mourn for 15 seconds if one got hit by a bus. I have enough people in 'reality' who depend on me and/or care for that I love (or at the very least, have concern for), then these people. This sounds very 'woke'.
  4. How do you know in 20 years Leora wont be on cam? 😃 With her track record,... Assuming she remains weight appropriate, she'll remain hot in 20 years. She may not be the young, pretty blonde/brunette people fantasize of, and gravity will introduce itself to her chest, but she will be attractive. IMO and speaking of the "west's" mentality, Leora could easily be a trophy wife now, and probably in 20 years (after her third divorce). No different then what Lauren Sanchez (who I've met in passing a couple times) is to Jeff Bezos (Lauren was a local TV personality/newscaster in Los Angeles, married to a TV producer, before she cheated on her hubby BEFORE they started divorce proceedings, and hooked up with Bezos). FWIW, she's a polite, nice person who you don't want on your bad side.
  5. People!! If another pretty brunette walked into the apartment and then someone brought up Zena's name, you'd say "Zena, who???" But what ya'll want is something different from this apartment that would include Leora. As I said previously, there are thousands of videos on the internet of Leora nekkid, fucking, bating, etc. You can get your Leora fix 24/7. What keeps you sticking around is the familiarity she brings you AND the anticipation that something different will happen soon. RLC is aware although unless things change, you wont stick around for much longer.
  6. Trust me...when you and Leora are 20 years older, she will still be hot. As you age, you find more beauty in women of your generation than of 20+ years ago. You discover that beauty isn't only superficial, but there's an inner beauty that is also attractive. With Leora, it's only superficial beauty. She hasn't shown us anything in 10 years to convey otherwise (not that it's her job to - she's paid only to display and bate).
  7. She has a good thing going. As long as her tits don't sweep the floor, it doesn't appear she looks to far into her future.
  8. Coca-Cola, and I am serious, is an excellent leather cleaner. If you have a leather jacket or couch that is stained, put some Coca-Cola on a clean towel, saturate the area that is stained, let it soak for a minute, then wipe off. Afterwards, use a leather conditioner to treat the area. BTW, this is for regular coke. Doesn't work as well with diet coke.
  9. During services on a Sunday morning. Zena had walked from the convent to the church next door. She was standing in the lobby by the front doors handing out communion wafers. Leora walked in (she had much to ask forgiveness for) and as she was being handed a wafer, their hands accidently touched. Leora noticed how soft Zena's hands were, their eyes met and... Later that day, Zena experienced tingling inside, went to Mother Superior in the convent, handed over her habit, said she's outta here, and is moving in with Leora. ..and now you know the rest of the story.
  10. Hmm...maybe she wasn't ready to leave the church. The convent also provides shelter and doesn't require getting naughty on camera (unless the Abbess is secretly naughty and wants to play fake lesbian with her!).
  11. Almost every person/couple I've seen introduced to the cameras were shy the first week or two (or three). They'd bate undercovers, change clothes undercovers, and so on. Eventually the inconvenience of hiding from the camera slowly turns them into the person they are - an exhibitionist.
  12. I forgot to add, I'm sure she had to sign a non-disclosure agreement. Imagine if she went public with the location where the apartment is. RLC wouldn't be doomed, but at great expense they would have to relocate Leora (and possibly other apartments). If Zena is gone and starts to talk, she'll never be seen from again 😉
  13. I don't think she is gone for good. RLC did a lot of vetting before allowing her into the apartment. If she is indeed gone for good, that would be a major fail for RLC (considering the expense involved to find her). Either way, this apartment needs a change. There are over 1,000 videos of the past 10 years on-line of Leora bating, walking nekkid, doing the nasty w/ Paul, bating with Eva standing guard, fake lesbian w/ Malia. You can get your fix 24/7. This channel needs a change (preferably a new Leora so the current Leora can find herself and start a new life).
  14. It's all in the plans to have you tune in, subscribe, and anticipate when she'll start doing the nasty. It wouldn't be smart business to have her show everything repeatedly and start w/ the Leora "massages" so soon. Until then, switch to boxers - they won't be as much a strain for your hard-on until 'relief cums'.
  15. That's harsh. You have to be patient with her as she hasn't been on cam previously (has she?). I assume when a young woman leaves the convent, she needs time to acclimate to a new environment where sex/nudity is expected. 😄
  16. You're assuming she isn't getting paid. RLC is very much about assumptions. As I stated previously, for those two to pretend they are lesbians, it will take awhile. Anticipation is what brings everyone back to the channel. If she is on payroll, it will take a few more weeks before we see anything salacious. Leora & Malia fakery didn't happen for awhile.
  17. What she doesn't have on her mind is a future outside the RLC bubble. She's probably thinking really, really hard which dildo she'll use next. It's those mind bending thoughts that keep her going day after day.
  18. Maybe Leora & Denis are just friends. Maybe RLC played matchmaker between Leora & Denis to see if they are compatible? It's a blast to guess what comes next. But ya'll need to get your hands off your dicks, take a step back, and enjoy the anticipation of what MIGHT develop. I guarantee Leora gets wet knowing how she's teasing everyone to what might/might not happen.
  19. Then why would she invite her into the apartment - to bake cookies?! RLC wants them to bake in the bedroom. We'll have to wait and see what develops. Who knows - maybe Leora is retiring and Zena is there to make a slow transition. It's all conjecture (it's always conjecture).
  20. If Leora wants to continue to be on RLC and enjoy the benefits of a roof over her head, she has to bring in more viewers. Therefore it is either get into a male/female relationship, or play fake lesbian. Those pink, black, and white toys can only hold interest for so long. BTW, don't let the heavy activity on Camcaps regarding Leora mislead you. 97% of those who watch her ae not on CC. I think her channel has become weak and in need of an infusion. I don't blame her - 10 years is a helluva run!
  21. When Leora wears a white, industrial-type bra, she's got business on her mind.
  22. I'm confident she comes from a broken home and looking for direction (like most, new RLC participants). Meanwhile, until she finds direction, take advantage of her journey and enjoy the views.
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