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Everything posted by Noldus

  1. Dear Friends! Our project is awaiting improvements. We are finalizing work on testing the new design, improving functionality and content loading speed. Pleasant updates and new functionality are waiting for you soon. We are moving forward and are glad you are with us! Remind you about the current promo code GETUP24 valid until February 13. Get up to +1 Month for free. +4 Days for 30-Day Premium, +9 Days for 90-Day Premium, +21 Days for 180-Day Premium, +30 Days for 1-Year Premium. Re-bills automatically to regular amount of days after promotional days run out. Cancel anytime 😉 Press "I have a promo code"
  2. The blond girl left - Roxy and Jul in to the restroom - too Val
  3. He's ok 🙂 He has only taken a break from the forum, but follows along
  4. Nerinas name removed - she moved out days ago.. @StnCld316
  5. offline - left the project an era is over @StnCld316
  6. Unfortunately, you are not the first to have come to that conclusion.. It is a shame that the members here in the forum do not appreciate the translations.
  7. Karma and her guy leaving for a vacation Wolf and Ney left too
  8. Bye, Bye girls - it was fun 🙂 I hope to see you again 😉
  9. Daylight comes and Wolf retreats to his own cave 🙂 🙂 (Sorry guys, I'm just getting a little influenced by the posts here)
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