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Everything posted by Noldus

  1. Sorry it was Kitek, not Yury.. Danaya & Adele / Re: New girl is Danaya « on: 02-03-2016, 15:55:13 » Danaya said she will not go out party until Adele returns. Danaya is afraid to sleep alone in the apartment. Danaya dictated Adele message to a guy: Our relationship should not develop so quickly. I'm not yet convinced. No sex ... for now. They commented on different bunch of guys. Adele: One group wants only drink and have sex and the second is more enjoyable. Danaya: The second group I really liked. Adele: This guy in baseball cap was so funny. And the other in the sweater. Danaya: They are such jokers. Danaya: When you leave for good I will party with Christian. He probably knows that I like him.
  2. Yuri said earlier something about Danaya were not looking for one night stand. Maybe be something around this, when looking at the movements she uses. Adele seems a little exasperated with arguments.
  3. Obviously not quite agree on the evening program? Notice also that they did not have any admission band on the arm today Correction: Adele had access band, but not Danaya. She could surely have taken it off .. but ..?
  4. Well gentlemen, you can warm up with a little clip from August :yeahbaby: found to more from two days later (Attachment Purged)
  5. Correction: I see through video and images from the evening and see that Adele has placed balloons on top of the closet sometime between 2104 and 2154. After the cam is fixed, we do not see the top of the closet anymore.
  6. Good look! (The Image Content is No Longer Accessible and Has Been Removed)
  7. Yes, offered at several airports for protection during shipping and security for theft. Notice also the priority tag that you get when you travel on business class (red patch on the destination tag) The young lady traveling great.
  8. Спасибо Даня, что вы переместили вешалку на балконе, так что мы видели лучше Thanks Danya that you moved hanger on the balcony, so we can seen you better
  9. Good memories 46832_d5bd7434f36d50fa5cae9520cfd151882abe0c7e.mp4 46833_eb14dc42cecde93a50d41ed75f6b626469312d0d.mp4
  10. Looks like Blue should start with a show now
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