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Everything posted by Noldus

  1. Nope, Several neighbor complaints due to loud music (and maybe a visit from a hungry girl .. 😉 )
  2. There have been neighbor complaints in all the apartments in Barcelona, except Martina&Alberto The police have been in B1, B2, B3, B4 and I think also B5 B3 was closed due to this and the same with Zack and Luna's
  3. He sees everything from below - downunder 🙂 Starts at the wrong end
  4. Yep, Several neighbors complained and the police came to the door. This is not the first time they are there (with other girls who made noise). The girls have been evicted and have acquired a new apartment - then we'll see what happens next
  5. I really hope RLC finds a solution for the girls so that they come online in their new apartment. Too bad it ended like this.
  6. I do not see there is any change in pricing When it comes to the use of €. $ Or other currencies, you can select this in the menu of Segpay
  7. The girls were to start their studies next week, so we'll see what they do.
  8. At 3 AM tonight the summer/daylight saving time ends
  9. We're just talking about time Oliva began packing the day after the party and the long UM.... Harley is packing now. Olivia and Ulyana have taken down everything they have hung up in the living room. Now they take a bath. We will see more packing eventually
  10. RLC Replay REPLAY.REALLIFECAM.COM Watch your favorite cams in 24-hour recording
  11. Hanna and Aaron fucking 😉
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