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Posts posted by Maturin

  1. 32 minutes ago, Amy3 said:

    Then you’re not watching them. They have a great chip. It’s called their life. They are fun to watch. They play around all day. They like to dance, be sexy around each other, play games, and play with their pets. Violet likes to check in on us and interact with us, and most of all they have sex rather often all over the house in many different ways and it’s always full of passion and love. Again, they have been there for less then a month. Chip, what is that anyways? What is Tim’s chip that he cheats on Zoi? That’s supposed to keep them interesting forever. What’s KPLP’s chip? That they like to lay around all day nude, play games, and then go back to their room to have identical sex everyday? You guys ask too much too fast and then claim the tenants are boring when they don’t immediately start tying each other up and swapping. There’s s pattern to how you guys think. Going back to Leora, she does none of those things, she has not chip, and yet she is at the top of RLC. Sexiness and passion can go a long way, I think. 

    Nailed it.

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    13 hours ago, SPYING 1 said:

    Now the demon-crats will try to ban guns, they DON'T understand that a sick mind will use a car, bus, or plane to kill

    Remember that gun massacre in Australia in 1996, 35 dead and a simlar number wounded.  Australia banned guns and there hasn't been another one since.

    Las Vegas is the 273rd mass shooting in America in the last 275 DAYS.

    Talking about other ways in which people can mass murder each other is absolutely redundant when you ignore the single biggest current way that people are commiting mass murder.

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  3. 22 minutes ago, Thestarider said:

    So funny, snopes most of all always posts things where reporters bait the person into saying what they want they to report. His protest has nothing to do with the veterans, it was spurred on by his Afro American out spoken girlfriend, Maturin and why do you care ? your not an American, and you have no skin at all in this game 

    I care because, I was chatting to my friend's kid around 9/11 about what had just happened, get this the kid was about 8 years old, he was probably quoting from somewhere but he said - when America sneezes the rest of the world catches a cold.  We thought it was really funny for an 8 year old to come out with something so wise but I've never forgotten those words.

    Of course the rest of the world cares what's happening in your country.  You have the world's largest miltary and industrial military complex and your leaders are not afraid to use it to bring "freedom" to whichever nation looks unwilling to fall under the economic model that guarentees US dominance.  Your foreign policy is aggresive and uncivilised and your leaders are incompetent and quite capable of starting WW3.

    It is not acceptable to the rest of the world to see such a powerful nation come under the sway of far right leaders nor to see your country eating itself up from within because the ordinary citizens are being fucked over from on high by the elites.  As a European I know exactly what will happen when the people decide that they have had enough of their greedy incompetent leaders- the results are always horrific.  The thought of that happening to such an aggressive, powerful nation, one that has recently started using nuclear annihilation as a diplomacy tool, means that every human being alive today has "skin in the game."

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  4. 3 minutes ago, Thestarider said:

     Now mic 351 nowhere in any news story does Keapernick say anything about the veterans treatment, or anything relayed to the treatment of veterans, But this President has done more for vets than OSLAMA did in his 8 years

    Incorrect.  This took me all of 10 seconds to find:

    Two days later, Kaepernick spoke to reporters about the protest. The encounter included this exchange:

    Reporter: So many people see the flag as a symbol of the military. How do you view it and what do you say to those people?

    Kaepernick: I have great respect for the men and women that have fought for this country. I have family, I have friends that have gone and fought for this country. And they fight for freedom, they fight for the people, they fight for liberty and justice, for everyone. That’s not happening. People are dying in vain because this country isn’t holding their end of the bargain up, as far as giving freedom and justice, liberty to everybody. That’s something that’s not happening. I’ve seen videos, I’ve seen circumstances where men and women that have been in the military have come back and been treated unjustly by the country they have fought for, and have been murdered by the country they fought for, on our land. That’s not right.

  5. 12 hours ago, mic351 said:

    I have never responded in this forum to any political stance or statement that I I can remember but I just had to comment here.  I served  3-years active duty in the USMC  with a total of 17-months in Vietnam.  I was wounded and received a Purple Heart and a Bronze Star.  So I'm pretty sure I'm qualified to speak a bit on patriotism.  For all of you bitching about taking a knee; I fought so they could "take a knee".  It's called "peaceful protest" you ignorant shits and it's guaranteed by our Constitution.  You might check out the 1st Amendment in the "Rill of Rights". Ya know, that document you so often profess your love for. 

    If you would bother to investigate or research a bit you'd find that when Colin Kaepernick took a knee he was not only protesting police brutality and inequality, he was also protesting the way returning veterans are treated.  Yeah, you must have missed that part right?  Try getting your news from someone or somewhere else besides Fox News.  So to slam his protest in my eyes, you're also slamming the protest of the way our returning vets are treated.  Guess you're ok with that.  Seems as if our chicken hawk draft dodging president is. So I guess you might as well climb on that bandwagon.  These athletes are not disrespecting my flag or my country. In this wounded veteran's opinion,  you sorry asses  that call yourself  Americans are. 

    So no one is to be given the right to peaceful protest except that which you believe in and agree with huh? Idiots!  We are a country built on protest and revolution!  A country built on immigrants!  Our strength lies in our ability to protest and our diversity!  But you, you go right on listening to your dear fearless leader.  You know the one who's campaign team consorted with the Russians.  The one whose  whole family has financial ties to Russia.  The one who's campaign manager has already been informed he's going to be indicted.  Yep!  follow him right over the cliff you f**king lemmings...  And you dare call yourself patriotic Americans.  The nerve!!       


    Nail on the head.  Frankly when an actual vet has to school the far-right media-fed citizens who support discrimination and divsion by invoking their own biased philosophy about what it means to be patriotic and to represent their nation from the comfort of their living room chairs, then something is very wrong.  Thanks for speaking up mic351.  There's is a clear correct side to be on this particular argument and it's great to see that the people who actually put their lives on the line for the country are on the right side.

  6. 2 minutes ago, Calatilla76 said:

    To be honest, she probably wouldn't panic, it's in her nature to tease and then cockblock at the perfect moment, ask Eric.

    As viewers, we're an extension of that behaviour.  It's a bit sad really, she could be having all the sex she wants but chooses to stop short.  Perhaps it's a control thing that she likes but it just seems to me that she's depressed. Eric obviously doesn't help matters as I think he's probably the worst lover I've ever seen! :biggrin:

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  7. The Nazi national anthem is known as Die Fahne hoch:


    "Die Fahne hoch must be played prior to every NFL game, and all players must be on the sideline for Die Fahne hoch. During Die Fahne hoch, players on the field and bench area should stand at attention, face the flag, hold helmets in their left hand, and refrain from talking. The home team should ensure that the Swastika is in good condition. It should be pointed out to players and coaches that we continue to be judged by the public in this area of respect for the flag and our country. Failure to be on the field by the start of Die Fahne hoch may result in discipline, such as fines, suspensions, and/or the forfeiture of draft choice(s) for violations of the above, including first offenses."

    It doesn't take too much of a stretch of the imagination does it?  Compulsory nationalistic rituals at sporting events??? Fuck's sake!!

    Land of the free? Sort yourself out America.


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