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Posts posted by jimbo4

  1. 9 hours ago, Aussie_oi_oi said:

    If you've ever wondered what the most common Leora masturbation fantasies are, you're definitely not alone — being curious about what turns Leora on is just part of human nature. In honour of National Masturbation Month, I would love your opinion they could be.

    Three things Aussie !

    1; Money.🤑

    2; Watching Paul butt fucking a Koala !🤢

    3; More money.🤑🤑

    • Haha 1
  2. 8 minutes ago, dougiestyle4u said:

    The only things Paul appreciates about being with Leora is the free ride in life and the free blowjobs. Leora is such a loving, giving, gorgeous slave woman to Paul. She asks for nothing in return and gets exactly that - sweet fuck all. The love of her life - 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣.


    She loves his beautiful mind !

    And if it wasn't for him flicking his boogers on the floor and in the bed she wouldn't have much house cleaning to do.

    It's a give and take relationship....She gives and he takes.

    • Haha 3
  3. 4 hours ago, dougiestyle4u said:

    It is one thing to watch and anticipate what knew surprises or sexy outfits or voyeur treats that she might offer up every day but another thing when each day is the same or just slight differences. A true voyeur will get tired of seeing the same expected sightings and eventually give up and move on (as most of us have). A voyeur generally has a good imagination and serious "needs' or "thrill fixation" so the search is always there for something new and exciting. Since Paul has arrived what new and exciting stuff has Leora brought to the table? The butt plug and ....................... Can't think of anything else. When Leora lived alone she always tried and did her part in really teasing her fans with something extra. While she was with Malia she gave some hope of a possible lesbian encounter plus you couldn't complain about watching two naked women. With friend Dennis or new girl friend (I forget her name) there were thought of something more. With Paul around Leora has become blah in her actions even though her body and beauty is still captivating. Paul is an eyesore.

    If there are few good voyeur type opportunities with these cam sites then you search other internet sites or be a voyeur out in public or just move on and do something more constructive in life. If you have hundreds of classic videos of Leora over the years how often will you replay them? Maybe just the all time "greatest hits" of 10 to 20 videos, I would think. 

    Well put !👍

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  4. 1 hour ago, RAME said:

    for us in France when they switched the television from black and white to color the dark sets and all the guests in black and white costumes it was great or is the mistake.

    it's the same Leora with bright red underwear which goes straight to gray (the light was really on the difference would have been)


    Perhaps he is the type of person who would be satisfied watching snooker or pool in black and white….

    As I mentioned before, if a person sets their sights low they are never disappointed.

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  5. 29 minutes ago, Brokk! said:

    All the tenants more or less fuck or have fucked with the lights off but the only complaint is about Leora.

    It seems to me that more than criticizing, some people just like to get pissed off over every little thing.

    My only complaint is about Leora because I don’t watch the other apartments as is well documented.

    Why would anyone in their right mind be satisfied with lights off when Leora has gone to the effort of dressing up in a colourful sexy outfit ?

    It may suit you but then you belong to a certain group who would be easily satisfied with everything she did ….I on the other hand am more discerning and expect others to give value for money to their full potential.

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  6. 2 hours ago, pulo filipe said:

    Very interesting 

    It must be Paul who doesn't like the light on 

    Possibly Pulo, but it's not Paul who earns the money is it ? He is no more than a pimp!

    The apartment would survive as it has done previously without Paul, who contributes absolutely sweet fuck all to the popularity of the apartment, it would not survive without Leora would it.

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  7. 11 hours ago, pulo filipe said:


    In Malia's room 

    Leora giving Paul a blowjob 


    Can anyone explain what was the point of last nights charade please.

    The leading lady dresses up in a sexy costume of white top, red mini skirt, and red stockings,( OK so far and looks promising ) only to walk from the bedroom to the guest room and assisted by her leading man ::) immediately removes the top and sets about presenting a robotic choreographed show of how " foreplay and sex " between two people in love should be performed.

    All this in grey because they wouldn't put the lights on. From the woman who knows every camera angle, who in the past has climbed on the kitchen table, the coffee table, balcony in full lighting to at least try to look interested and engaged with her audience......We were then treated to a body that showed of all her veins and very little else.Perhaps the lack of suitable lighting is intentional to flatter her rapidly deteriorating cellulite ridden arse and thighs.

    A pitiful exhibition from a fading star.

    What was the point of dressing up in colourful underwear if within two minutes nobody is going to see it?

    If as some people may say that this was a piss take from her as a payback for criticism then my answer to her is ...Get used to it woman, because based on the last two performances you are going to get a lot more. 

    • Thanks 1
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  8. 8 hours ago, ddhm said:

    Still , we think a lot alike and you DON’T receive the confused emojis that I do for the same criticism and similar posts 😏🤩 THEY FEAR YOU 🥸🥸


    Turn the emojis into a positive + !

    Some of what you and others write is true and is touching a nerve with them, but because they are in denial regarding Leora and Pauls performance levels they can not through their embarrassment post a true counter opinion without making themselves look bigger fools than they are now, so they take the cowards way and post emojis to try and intimidate you.

    Since taking a holiday I have changed my outlook entirely regarding both the trolling emoji's and the people who post them. They prove to me that an honest opinion has no place in these sad peoples lives, feel sorry for them and live life as you wish and not how they would wish you to. 

    You can post with impunity, they can't for fear of ridicule.....Now who's the winner?

    I don't agree with much of what you write but I defend your right to express it. The hypocrisy of these people is that the majority come from the country who's first amendment is concerning "Freedom of speech " .......but only as long as its their freedom to express it and not other peoples. 

    Finally ! The reason they use confused emojis is because in reality they are indeed confused sad people.

    • Haha 2
    • Confused 1
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  9. 21 minutes ago, ddhm said:

    I should make a club of people supporting my theory that these two HAVE ZERO FRIENDS 😁 . But they will come the people who say that they are just ANTISOCIAL and that I am talking BULLSHIT 😂🤣 they just have really lots of friends outside but it is THEIR CHOICE not to be on cameras 😂🤣 .. 


    Whether they have a social life outside of the apartment is of no interest one way or another to me and is to anyone else pure speculation.

    What I do know is that Leora always stated on her social media pages that she was an "introvert " which might explain why they are happy without company, and why Leora was more than happy living alone when first she arrived in Prague. She was though interested in forming a friendship with someone to go walking and hiking.....You interpret that as you will as speculation on that has been exhausted long ago.

    What has always intrigued me though was her being an introverted exhibitionist, which I found difficult to assimilate until reading an article that stated Lady Gaga was of a similar character to Leora.

    Personally I am not interested whether she has company or not, my only interest is seeing her in different stages of undress and genuinely sexually satisfying herself and her long standing fans, everything else is a diversion .....Sadly if this involves the "stunned one " then the future looks bleak from my point of view.   

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  10. 15 hours ago, jjohndoe1960 said:

    Looks like Leora is going to let the Barca Women win the night


    The Barca Women would not have to be anything special to beat Leora nowadays unfortunately. If she was matched against herself over the past years she would be an also ran on her present form.

    Where has the excitement and enthusiasm gone? Gone are the days of sexy dancing, long teases prior to a good bate, and different venues ie Kitchen, Balcony, she is now just a lingerie model with a repetitious predictable repertoire....A pity!!

    She had the opportunity to produce something special on Thursday, some new lingerie, Paul at the gym, so she chooses the worst position possible apart from under the duvet...Camera 3 with her face obscured, why on earth didn't she utilise camera 3 along the back wall where she could have been viewed from all angles with a superb view on 3.

    It's also noticed that wheras on the balcony for the previous three years she smilingly acknowledged either a real or fantasy neighbour ( the latter I suspected )watching her alone or with Malia, but since the return of Paul the "neighbour" is non existent....Pity, as whether real or false it added to the mystique surrounding her.   

    No ! She still has a good body but through her own choices is becoming a rapidly fading star who doesn't make the effort any longer, just enough scraps to appease her loyal fans and keep the cash registers ringing. 

    I don't expect everyone to agree with me, it is merely my own opinion.

    • Upvote 3
  11. 5 minutes ago, ddhm said:



    Masha WILL BE THE GREATEST TENANT ever because Masha - Reallife.com . End .. 


    I can appreciate some of what you are stating but as for the "Greatest " well that's an individual choice and subjective isn't it?

    I on the other hand would automatically choose Leora because I have no experience of watching any of the other tenant's.

    By selecting Leora I am referring to her alone , not with Paul, and perhaps with Malia had it been allowed to have continued to who knows what conclusion apart from the one that transpired.

    Leora on her own is a free spirit and lets herself go, sadly Paul consciously or unconsciously restricts her moods and therefore the end result.

    But then again I am not interested in watching a soap opera and waiting for a woman's mood to decide whether it's worth me watching or not. I can take it or leave it, I'm certainly not dependant on it like some.


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  12. On 9/11/2023 at 12:34 AM, Nicholas said:

          Apparently, you decided on making your stated conceited arrogant conctradictive statements regarding many of your past contradictiive comments. You might want to consider your so called vacation before you decide on much of  other of such comments there mate.

    And the point you are trying to make with this 2 year old post is????

    When you can put a few paragraphs together that are easily understandable to myself and other people, and not only the usual cretins who laud you as a way of trolling others🦨🐌👨‍🍳+, then perhaps we can have a sensible discussion.

    Until then I will amuse myself with your struggle to get the appreciation you so richly in your opinion deserve from other like minded lonely sad Leora minions,🦨🐌👨‍🍳+who think with their cocks and not their brains, and who's only life outside of their own miserable lonely existence is that they can attach themselves incognito to someone without fear of rejection, who is non judgmental but unobtainable because she is a fantasy figure, and who to their deluded warped minds needs you knights in shining armour to defend her honour....such as it is.  :biggrin:  

  13. 8 hours ago, StnCld316 said:

    The childishness continues.   Such posts have been removed.

    And who is the hypocrite thanking you for it.....None other than the person who suggested the imagining of each emoji sender as giving a BJ and who initiated the sending of trolling emoji's in the first place, for Dumber and Dumbest to follow.......My case rests !


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