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Everything posted by jimbo4

  1. She has just rung someone, possibly doctor surgery and explained her discomfort around the kidney area....and she will call again on Monday.
  2. I am wondering if she could have grumbling appendix, she has just carried out the test for it by pushing on the right side of her stomach with her fingers and quickly releasing.....It’s a procedure medics carry out sometimes to determine if it could be.
  3. I hope she has been prudent enough and got her priorities right by investing in health insurance...It's easy enough and less expensive when younger, but obscenely expensive if things need investigating and treatment without it. One of her problems perhaps is that she possibly self diagnosis, which is fine if it's a recurring complaint, but if it's a new problem she should not ignore the warning signs.....I wish her well soon! It's possibly difficult getting a doctors appointment in light of the pressure on health services worldwide at the moment because of Covid19, but she should have the problem investigated sooner rather than later.
  4. I think that remark could be classed as speculation, therefore it is in the wrong thread.😉
  5. At the risk of upsetting you Aussie, I have been finding it somewhat disconcerting trying to watch Leora in full flight through camera 10 recently.....I am seeing three quarters of a woman masturbating wearing a koala head.... Camera 10 is now redundant until she moves it to the other side or back on the chair. Whatever next for fucks sake !!🤣
  6. I may be completely wrong but I don't think Leora will stay away that long, could be the odd night or two but not 5-6 days straight......But!! We are discussing Leora the enigma, nothing is out of the equation.🥴
  7. I personally am not over concerned with Malia ( just personal preference ) unless she is getting down with Leora. But I have a feeling Leora will not stay home much either, enough I guess to have a little time on Skype with Paul. I wonder if the plane symbol will be updated later to include Leora...I like everyone else hope not...But !!!!🥴
  8. As a matter of interest, how is it known that it has been contacted outside, some people can carry it and pass it on without showing symptoms themselves......Children are a prime example!
  9. I believe the reason curfews are put in place at night is that during the day although people are allowed out as long as they act responsibly and wear masks, then that is deemed OK...But at night time people want to go out and socialise and that is where in the UK the problems have arisen....Many of the younger generation are partying as they see fit as they don't seem to think it affects them, but they then go home to parents and grandparents and pass it on....No matter what, people rebel against authority and don't like their freedom curtailed, but if a death affects one of their family members it might help concentrate their minds a little. Having said that, many so called " privileged " people think they are entitled to do and go where they wish.😷
  10. It's because she didn't carry out any finger dexterity exercises last night.....Fingers need to be working, and preferably moist.🤣
  11. Surely if it states "groups of 2" then that is possibly applying to people who are eligible either during the day pre-curfew or after curfew if those 2 people fit the criteria....Would she fit the criteria? I'm asking the question, not looking for an argument.
  12. Technically SC if you are right that he works nights, he is indeed allowed to travel home....But is she allowed? I'm not so sure, the law doesn't I don't think state the difference between walking or riding.....
  13. FYI...Martial Law is the situation where the Military take over temporarily the running of a country.....There is no Martial law in the Czech Republic.......A proper curfew requires that ALL people stay in their home between certain times.
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