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Everything posted by jimbo4

  1. My personal opinion of Paul has always been that although very intelligent ( Yes I know, difficult to imagine isn't it, but nevertheless true ) he really didn't bring much to the table in the way of personality. Unlike some others I have never disliked him through jealousy, on the contrary I admired what he had achieved by getting his hands on the gorgeous creature that is The Little One....Even though once he got his hands on her he had very little idea what to do with said hands. His occasions of domestic violence toward The Little One certainly didn't enamour him to anyone, and contributed to the loathing people had for him. Along with in our eyes it seemed as though The Little One gave her all...Unconditional love, sexual gratification, good company, beauty, style and elegance, intelligence, money and a generous spirit that is sometimes difficult to find in many human beings, let alone a single woman.In return it also seemed as if he took and gave nothing back. But she loved him and I believe she still does in her way. Although welcome, the sexual side of their relationship has never seemed to affect her feelings for him, as she got her satisfaction in that department in other ways....much to our delight. What she has always admired and received from Paul was intellectual stimulation, they could debate numerous things and be stimulated by the interaction, and that was enough for her to an extent. But !! What is apparent in their situation at the moment is the change of dynamics and interaction between them....Although physically no different Paul has upped his game to an extent that he laughs and messes with her more, he shows more affection to her, he has polished some of his social graces, he does little things to help and all in all I think they are getting on very well indeed. She is now the Governor without a doubt and it is working. Having said that, I don't wish him any harm or misfortune, but from my point of view she does better without him, but that is from a purely selfish perspective and doesn't diminish the improvements I have noticed with Paul.......Whether they will be temporary is another matter. But its good to see her happy and laughing, that's when she's at her best.......And when she's happy she rewards us. Sorry about the length of this post, I'm sure some individuals will have a moan about it.....Tough !! 😝
  2. Some of the more possessive members would probably think too much, and possibly more than he deserves. I have an open mind regarding him, she is happy at the moment so that’s all that matters. If she’s happy then she wants to make us happy......The circle of life !! 😁
  3. I'm sure I am correct in saying us and the rest of the world are praying for you guys right now.......But you're tough old buggers and will come through this mate. 🙏
  4. Not sure if I have missed anything, but correct me if my assumption is wrong......Has The Little One read Paul the house rules before he arrived....As I personally have not once seen his digit up his nasal organ since he arrived...Which is a vast improvement on his social graces if factual. They seem to be getting on very well, better possibly than before perhaps, she is calling the tune, and he does as he’s told, otherwise his allowance of both sexual favours and financial support will be flushed down the toilet. My own thoughts are that he is not here for much longer, another week maximum perhaps, although I certainly wouldn’t bet on it as we’re not dealing with a “ normal “ couple here.🙄
  5. As I commented in my reply to lwis at the time, 2400 Roubles is worth approximately $39........Not going to get him far is it.😁
  6. Watching her laying in the bedroom in the reduced light on camera nine, was like watching a live biology lesson studying the human anatomy. Every vein and artery were visible and looked quite creepy.......Not a flattering portrayal of such a magnificent creature.
  7. For some strange reason only known to themselves, they have decided to adjust the lighting in the bedroom to minimum when they are having any kind of sexual contact. She appears to be very happy to have him "home " for however long.....Its good to see her with some company, and it's her choice of company, no one else's, so much enjoyment to them both. 🙂 But " Little One " If you will allow us to be involved, please make it easier for us by adjusting the lighting.....Thanks!! 😊
  8. She may be taking precautions, or using it as an excuse, but she inserted a tampon when she was in the shower.
  9. You won’t be feeling better when he puts his cock in her mouth though will you?😫
  10. You don’t have to Johnny, But the guy that matters right now does have to buy it. 😂
  11. As Aussie leads the way with ringing in the New Year, I wish every one a safe and exciting night, and a Happy and Healthy 2020. A special Happy New Year to the person who binds us all together one way or another.." The Little One." As she enters her seventh year among us ( And hasn't she grown into a gorgeous woman ) I personally hope she achieves everything she sets her heart on. May she enjoy good health and happiness and the contentment she is constantly seeking. She deserves it...😻
  12. She once said that she was attracted to Paul because of his intelligence....Bearing in mind that she is a very intelligent person herself ( perhaps not common sense but intelligent) that says a lot for his IQ. There is never a hard and fast formula for fathoming why people love each other, look around you and you will often wonder what he/she sees in him/her.......It’s just chemistry.
  13. Strange interpretation! To my knowledge, although engaged Leora and Paul were never married, so a divorce is irrelevant. Yes, she could well be talking about him with regard being lazy. He is still advertising his business, and even though he is in Prague his website states that he will be open for business today, there is even a fresh recommendation from a satisfied customer posted on December 20th. As for the money, 2000 Rubles is only twenty five British pounds or $32 US and the extra 400 is only five pounds or $6.5 US.......Hardly an amount to cause concern and certainly not enough to make or break whether he got to Prague or not . Nobody apart from Leora has any real idea what is occurring.....Let it play out I think.
  14. Sadly from our perspective the lighting is not advantageous...Sometimes a good fuck under bad lighting conditions is still a good fuck, and a bad fuck under good lighting is still a bad fuck......But she got something different, and knowing his limitations I wouldn’t care to pass comment on his performance, only she is qualified to judge that from what she got from it.
  15. Naturally I accept all you say, although sometimes the translator is not wonderful unless of course you speak Russian. But they make strange bedfellows if they are “ divorced “ Having said that, it does bear out my thoughts of old that he was always reliant on her money. It also explains why she is no longer wearing her rings. But why would she bother with him coming to Prague if she is finished with him? She has always been complex, but this is a strange arrangement, even by her standards. The opera continues.
  16. In your dreams Nich ....In your dreams! 😂 Now wake up and behave yourself.
  17. And a Happy New Year to you and everyone else on CC, may the best of this year be the worst of 2020...
  18. From my point of view for what it’s worth, and going on information supplied by another CC member, Paul’s visit is as expected just for the new year holidays, a week possibly two. As for him sleeping with her.....Why wouldn’t he, I may be proven wrong eventually, but I never subscribed to the hysteria that went on when it was thought they had broken up. My belief is that the separation is a commercial decision brought about by necessity. As lovely and desirable as she is, she realises that she cannot do this forever, and RLC also realise that they need each other for a while yet. She wants to prepare for the future after RLC and they have possibly offered her a financial package that she cannot turn down...everybody wins. Paul is the ideal partner for her, he allows her to express her sexuality whilst he has a low sex drive, so he is not loosing out in that department. It also possibly allows him some financial cash flow to support his fledgling business in Krasnoyarsk. Therefor I would suppose that they would look at separation for now a small price to pay for a better future together. Just my supposition, and I could as always be completely wrong. 🙄
  19. Some people are strange I guess. If I hadn’t seen my woman for more than four months ( especially if she looked like Leora ) The first thing I would have done was take her in the bedroom and stayed there until Thursday..🤣🤣 Priorities !! This is light hearted.
  20. For all those people who stated that Leora and Paul were finished as a couple....perhaps you will change your opinion once you see who has just arrived. 😳
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