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Everything posted by jimbo4

  1. They are OK now...laughing and smiling. He's got away with it again. One day she will wake up to what a potentially dangerous arsehole she lives with. 😾
  2. Been here ages. 😹 Had to be a little devious to convince a certain black and white smelly critter to leave, along with his mate with the sackful of nuts. I've made an exception for Scutus...The Little One, on my recommendation I might add, will not allow him into the house, but has said she is willing to care for him at the dog shelter down the road. 😹😹Its nothing personal against Scutus, but she does not want Eva being impregnated, so its a safety precaution.😹
  3. TOO LATE AUSSIE MATE, Take a good look and you will understand why she finds me cute. Puuuurfect!!
  4. The bell-end would have to get the money from the Little One to buy them.😾
  5. The best way for him to say sorry is to F**k off out of it. 😾
  6. As most of us are aware, the fool has previous occasions of domestic violence towards The Little One, there is never any excuse. no matter what she does, to attempt or actually lay a hand on a woman. She should tell the prick to leave, and get on with her life without the huge responsibility of wet nursing this ingrate any longer. One day he will not be able to draw back and will do her real physical harm.
  7. After the scowling he went into the bedroom , and while she was putting her socks on voices were raised by the both of them, he took an open handed swipe at her head and I believe deliberately missed her but caught her hair....Connecting or missing , makes no difference, the boy is a bully .....wouldn't we all like to be able to have him in a room on our own for a couple of minutes....he would never do it again, that's for sure. She went into the bathroom upset, after a few minutes came out with eyes that had been crying and went and patched her makeup up in the GR She was very cool toward him and walked out the door ahead of him....and the stupid fool looked bemused. 😾
  8. Was it strawberry blonde, that's what color I am, some spitfull folks refer to it as ginger. 😹😹
  9. Aussie mate, there's certain things I asked you not to disclose. 🙀😹
  10. I'm here smellie, good to see you worry about me, been busy going through all my correspondence from Russia....You know how it is . 😹😹
  11. Ralph; Right click your mouse pointer over the article you need to translate, options will appear, one of these options is "Translate to English". Click it, and away you go. Sorted.!!😼
  12. Ralph; Right click your mouse pointer over the article you need to translate, options will appear, one of these options is "Translate to English". Click it, and away you go. Sorted.!!😼
  13. Ten times more than he would need and one hundred more time than The Little One could put up with the putrid odour for. 🙀😼
  14. Not for long I fear, think she will be going out again soon. 😿
  15. I'm not so sure it was attendance, yes he had most Wednesdays off, but was that with agreement with the company, mostly when he didn't work Wednesday he would work Saturdays, he was never late for work as far as I can recollect. Im more inclined to think it was either a downturn in work and they had to let people go, or more likely that he had been nurturing the idea of becoming self employed for some time, and thought that was the time to do it, and I would suspect with The Little Ones blessing. But we shall never know the true reason, she refuses to talk about him when I see ner. 😹😹🙀🙀OOPS!!!
  16. The shortness of breath is caused by sexual excitement, naturally I would not expect you or Paul to understand, as you have never experienced the situation with her.😹😹She thinks that not only am I cute but Puuuuuurfect also 😻
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