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Everything posted by jimbo4

  1. I would crawl from England to Russia over broken bottles to have the privilege.....πŸ™€πŸ™€πŸ™πŸ™πŸ˜»πŸ˜»
  2. What would a small bottle of her nectar sell for at a voyeurs auction I wonder. 🍾
  3. Stamina building exercises.....to try and keep up with the Little One 😹
  4. She was watching a sad film, at at such times she gets emotional 😺
  5. Not 100% sure because she seems to be hiding it, but has the Little One had her lips done again ? If she has, I wonder why...there was nothing wrong with her original ones...All the Botox in the world cannot improve on what Mother Nature blessed her with. I might as I say be completely wrong, and once she reads this she will no doubt deliberately keep them hidden to keep us wondering. πŸ‘„
  6. Leora is 27, and although I am not sure I believe Paul is a little younger than her.
  7. If the situation reverts to how it was, then I will use the block again...
  8. European.....Having blocked your comments I was obviously unaware of what you have been posting, until a friend on CC that I respect informed me last night that you had apologized to me late last month. Thank you for your apology which was very civil of you to make. With that in mind, I unreservedly withdraw my remarks regarding you of Wednesday, and also apologise to yourself.....If it is possible to delete the comment I will do so immediately. With regard to Paul's situation, we all get somewhat frustrated with him being home constantly, but it is their life and nothing to do with us at all. So what's the point in getting angry about what you cannot influence. Personally I would sooner watch The Little One 2-3 times a week ( although I would prefer 6-7 ) than watch all the other apartments combined 24/7. Have a nice day, and try to relax over the situation . I have now unblocked you. 😺
  9. Just a practice for the real thing that she has in her mouth now πŸ™€
  10. And I respect your opinion, although I don't necessarily agree with it. 😺
  11. She was giving two pussies a special treat.... Hers and her ginger rotund cute one. 😹
  12. Little One.....I bow to your superiority....You outlasted me this time........Perhaps next time Eh?😻
  13. When it comes to finger dexterity I cannot match you, but I'm a good watcher. 😳😻
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