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Everything posted by jimbo4

  1. A trifle extreme perhaps but your choice mate. She may take the lack of comment as a sign that all is good and everyone is happy with what is occurring within the apartment.
  2. Anyone who thought that the arrival of Paul would enhance the viewing experience was sadly deluded. I almost 10 years he has only ever cast a giant shadow over the Leora experience. He is a Neanderthal who possesses no social graces as far as can be seen, his nose picking, unhygienic demeanour then enhanced by his eating habits is frankly disgusting, and his presence affects peoples viewing experience apparently. But ! He is Leora's Neanderthal and whatever people on the forum may think will not deter her from keeping him there, so either people get used to the idea and learn to co-exist with him or stop membership of RLC.....Simple choices folks ! Let's be honest! He is aware of everything Leora does, so why on earth doesn't he accept that he is a cuckold to a viewing audience of thousands and just give Leora the space to do what she is capable of, let him watch along with us as she dances and strokes herself in the living room, he might even enjoy the experience. As for people continually criticising Leora's lack of entertainment, I would imagine she is far more likely to try and accommodate certain scenarios if she is requested respectfully, it may take a few days but usually it works, by being harsh and sarcastic toward her will only play to her stubborn nature and she will likely dig her heels in and totally withdraw her favours. Why not try it for a month and see if things improve.....What have you lost ?
  3. I don't disagree with your thoughts, and there are three main protagonists, who between them couldn't muster enough intelligence or common sense to answer a post without trying to feel superior. They are at best sad souls and allowances should be made for their ignorance. Thankfully most of the time they are too occupied licking windows to bother the forum too much.
  4. If you are referring to GH then I would respectfully disagree with you, inasmuch as he is normally a sensible level headed guy who is honest with his opinions and should not be put in the same acolyte group as Dumb, Dumber and Dumbest. He doesn't usually arbitrarily give emojis without thinking the situation through, and certainly not with personal opinions of the poster influencing his judgment.
  5. Firstly Numbnuts, My “multiple personalities” were willingly sacrificed as collateral damage in my successful culling and removal from the forum of the serial antagonist Pepe. He was destroyed by his own ego and lies.Apart from you and the other member of the Toxic Trio nobody that I can recall has mourned his loss. I am now left with one other personality that was created in his honour “Lying Billy No Mates” a fully paid up premium member who likes to play games sometimes.😁 Perhaps we can play some time but only when you educate yourself in the difference between trainers and boots and Celsius and Fahrenheit or indeed Scutus and Scutum. As for the question, once again as is your style when you have a nerve tweaked by me you try to deflect the pressure from yourself by resorting to your intellectual parasite mode by reading up on something and then regurgitating it parrot fashion……..SO PREDICTABLE! I would advise you to stick to getting simple things correct before venturing out on to equations. 😄 The forum in general has you Three Stooges figured out for what you represent………Nothing !🤣
  6. I don't wish to ignore you ! Your sad infantile behaviour amuses me. Everyone of my aliases on a bad day is infinately smarter than you on your best day. I first learned about using an alias from your best buddy the Skunk, who has several also, but all more stupid than mine. Console yourself slug, at least all of mine know the difference between trainers and boots, and Celsius and Farenheit,all of which you seem to have difficulty with. You make sure you come and visit again with your lapdog Masterchef real soon now, you both remind me of a Dumb and Dumber tribute act 😁
  7. You have excelled yourself in describing exactly what you the skunk and Masterchef’s supercilious behaviour is like. Everyone on this forum is entitled to an opinion and the freedom to express it without self appointed moderators such as yourself seeing it as a major misdemeanour…..Get a life Slug, if you don’t like Ragnors remarks then do what you have always in the past pontificated about…..IGNORE IT ! You just show yourselves to be the petty little nonentities we all suspected you to be. Three sad sad lonesome nonentities! 😁
  8. I'm contemplating extending my vacation for a further month.....Any objections???? 🤣
  9. He may be an idiot in some peoples eyes but he is LEORA'S idiot, she wanted him to join her so it's her choice. Apart from the couple of times he showed domestic violence toward her in the past they seem to be content with each other, so the fact he may curtail certain activities within the apartment that don't satisfy viewers our opinion means nothing whatsoever. Its worth remembering that eventually Leora will "read the room" and either ignore it and shut down even more or do what she is very good at which is reinvent herself which will cause membership to increase for a period. It's also worth remembering that not all expressions of like or dislike of Leora and Paul either by written posts or emojis are neccessarily true feelings, take for instance the man 🦨🦨 who thought he was king but had his crown slapped of his head when he started a fight he wasn’t man enough to win,he posts infantile emojis in unwavering support of L & P and to try and remain relevent,but in reallity he hates Paul like a jealous lover and expressed a view two years ago that Leora was a spent force and he was tired of her......Who would have thought such a thing 😁
  10. She is indeed still a beautiful woman with a fantastic body….If only she had the opportunity to use it to its full potential. Its similar to having a Ferrari and never driving above 30 mph.
  11. I don’t have RLC membership any longer solely because since Paul’s return the dynamics have changed considerably in the apartment which was bound to happen. Although I am happy for Leora to have her “ family “ together again I didn’t think it was particularly advantageous to most of the Leora viewers, except of course for a devoted few. The difference between Russia and Prague is that in Russia Paul worked full time out of the apartment 5-6 days each week for a couple of years which gave Leora all the independence she required to “ look after business” for her devotees.In Prague she hasn’t got this luxury, he is always there like a shadow and whenever she does anything it is with his permission which makes it seem contrived. Make the best of my videos while you can because the days of Leora being that free to express herself are well and truly gone now. No more prolonged dancing sessions or table tops, wet panties and wild imagination. Venues are limited to the bedrooms and living room.With the summer you may be lucky enough to see a quick balcony session but as for anything else forget about it unless he gets some work outside the apartment. All good things decline and end eventually, she was to me the best of the best and gave me and others a great deal of pleasure, I would sooner remember her for that. Ma
  12. She married soon after leaving Prague. As for children or plans to visit Leora I think @GagHer is the only person who could reliably inform you regarding these questions.
  13. No mate ! I am still soaking up the sun, and had some spare time to catch up.
  14. And you have now caused distress to the ultimate sad acoylite and illustrius leader of the " Toxic Trio " or "Three Stooges". The window licking retard has also been busy today along with a lone post from the " Slug ", completing a hat trick of laughable contributions from the three least respected or relevant members of the forum in particular and humanity in general. Worthless Fuckwits !! Bring it on girls !!
  15. Further to your comment, my view is that the likes of GagHer and Slipper G did provide a welcome service to many members of the forum when there was a hunger for reasonably accurate information during the build up prior to Paul’s return to RLC, although Slipper was too temperamental at times and would throw a hissy fit and refuse to cooperate but on the whole was good value for money. With GagHer as the Russian “expert “ always available for confirmation and further input, They both were not given credit for the “duties” they provided on behalf of the majority of forum members. As for the others you refer to I agree with your sentiments entirely. As can be seen by the reaction to the original post the likes of the skunk has no credibility whatsoever on the forum or with other forum members apart from the other two stooges who associate themselves with him, one being unable to differentiate between his arse and his elbow but is intelligent enough to know better, old age confusion probably. The other one who is a window licker and frustrated pantie smeller who’s only contribution to the forum apart from confused/ laughing or sad emojis was to copy and past the same daily undying love messages to Leora on the fan page like some frustrated schoolboy. Each time they comment or give a credit only reinforces the belief that the forum is better without them, they don’t have a brain cell between them, and if when they mature they happen to develop one said cell then it will only make them twice as stupid and gormless as they already are…..If that were possible! Bring it on morons ! I laugh at your infantile stupidity. Have a great weekend everyone, I’m back to lapping up the sun .🍺🏖️😎🌞
  16. 🤪 Why don’t you say what you think RD 👍 The people you refer to are typical bully boys, they like to dish out their venomous vitriol to those that they disagree with, but scuttle away to hide under their rocks when people give them the same back. I rejoice at their misery, knowing that every time I get an emoji from them I have caused them enough anguish to stimulate them to react in such an infantile manner. Irrelevant nonentities!! The forum is a better place without them, more honest opinions and a fairer balance of praise or criticism. Cheers!
  17. With respect for your opinion, I think people have to realize and accept that Leora lives her life as she feels suits her. You ( we ) have no right to judge her life, we can by all means criticize her and or Paul for not performing to individual expectations, but always realizing that the choice is ours whether we watch or not, or continue with our subscriptions to RLC …..Nobody has a gun to our head.. What is the point in criticizing her PERSONAL life when she does not live it through conventional means, but as it suits her. Being an introvert she is more than happy most of the time with her own company, not being answerable to anyone else for what she chooses to do, which is to exhibit herself for her own pleasure and financial reward. Compare what “conventional” people contribute to society. They would do an “acceptable “ job perhaps in an office or shop, or work shift work in a factory making automobiles or other such mundane jobs with very little job satisfaction or reward and giving very little one to one individual pleasure to the rest of humanity, whereas Leora gives her all to bring pleasure to thousands on a daily basis, thousands of men and women who for whatever reason get the ultimate pleasure from watching her. Yes! Paul has restricted her and she is to many people not the force she was, but that is as I said a separate matter to her contribution to society. Many of us when we are on our deathbed and reflect on our contribution to life will end up with far less credits than Leora, who has in spite of constant criticism maintained for the most part some measure of kindness and empathy with things in life and, at the same time given generously to animal charities and above all provided immense pleasure to thousands. Her credits far outweigh her debits ! Can you/ we say the same? ……..Possibly not!
  18. Leora certainly has worked before on a Sunday ! 😊
  19. Aussie ! 😀 I don't remember you complaining when that poxy Koala was doing exactly the same. Irons or Marsupials......All a fucking distraction I guess. Write to support and ask them to contact Leora.
  20. One of the main hypocrites is the one who gives me laughing emojis, he wouldn’t watch the apartment when Paul was about, and got insanely jealous if he dared to fuck her, but then he is a very lonely sad person since he was severely bitch slapped by another member a while back.😉
  21. Just had a quick look at the forum in between tanning sessions. Is it my imagination or have things slowed down considerably ? There doesn’t seem to be much interest being generated by members recently as it has taken 11 days to reach page 28…..What’s the reason folks? Is it apathy within the forum or in the L&P apartment….or perhaps a combination of both. Have a good weekend ! 😉
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