Things and people change sometime. Maybe she's coming back and will be better or she could be like Jas' 3rd stay which was damn good. Maybe she is done. Patience is a virtue. Time will tell folks.
Howard I don't know you at all. You spent an incredible amount of time composing your post I would think. Keep drinking the cool aid. Time will tell my man.
Can you wait until Manafort turns? He can't win. If he doesn't he'll spend the rest of his life in prison. Mueller probably already knows everything he could ever say but he is toast. Can you imagine Trump in a televised disposition?
Anyone can spin stats to support their conclusion. Some people can take the same stats and support a positive debate in a conforming or contradicting result. We all know that. Numbers and stats are just a start. Words spin it to anyone's reality. Sort of like our lying President. Does anyone here think the President doesn't lie?