I'm curious. We all have people close to us, children, grandchildren, relatives, friends and people we know who teach our children. I personally have a relative that is an avid hunter and a retired teacher. His moose baloney is always awesome. He taught hunter safety for over 30 year. as well as teaching over a thousand children during his career. He is truly a gun aficionado. After he retired he started writing a weekly hunting column for his local newspaper. A couple of days ago I asked him if he thought teachers should handle guns in their classrooms. What do you think he said?
One of my daughters is a new teacher and when I asked her the same question she said Dad they don't even supply us with enough pencils and other basic supplies. She said she buys them. The amazing thing is that the recent tax cut bill eliminated the teacher deduction for money that teachers spend to equip their classrooms. My daughter asked me if they won't be able to afford the basics the children need, how will they be able to buy and maintain guns for the teachers? If you know anyone close to you who teach our children ask them if they should protect their students by having a gun in their classroom Ask them if they think it's a good idea and post your/their response here. Trump thinks it's a good idea. I disagree. Do you?