Please don't take this the wrong way but I really need to stop communicating with you. Your reality is just too foreign from anything I believe in. Have a good life and I wish you well in your quest to find whatever makes you happy.
Are you serious? Dick Morris? I guess we should stop. Watch Fox News and be happy. You are entitled to your own reality. I'm entitled to mine. We still need to figure out the bet though. We will down the line. Take care buddy. It's time to check out the girls. Thanks for the conversation. Talk to you later Dude.
Not yet. Too early. Are you up on current events? Took a real long time for the truth to come out for Nixon. He resigned. Trump won't. The noose it getting tighter.
Facts are facts. African American unemployment is down for sure but double of Caucasians. Ben Carson recently hired his siblings against official advice. Ignorance is bliss. Will Mexico pay for the wall? Who will pay for the wall? WE WILL so he can satisfy a campaign promise. Are Mexican refuges streaming across our southern borders? $25 billion for a bullshit wall. Seriously?