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Posts posted by euromike69

  1. 12 minutes ago, HarleyFatboy said:

    I'm not a Longhorn fan dude lol.   It's just gotten so ridiculous around the forum lately that's all.  There want's to be to many chiefs and not enough indians!

    Yes sir,,,they are competing to see who can be the King of the idiots,,and so far the one you see on here right now blabbering his ass off is the frontrunner,,I got big money on him to take it all away by a landslide lmaoo!!!happy-tears-smiley-emoticon.gif

    • Upvote 4
  2. 4 minutes ago, ericjeanjean said:

    I don't know something really bothers me about that girl. I admit that it's very irrational and very unfair to her since I don't know her. I'll just abstain to comment on her from now on.

    I'm sure I'd be less annoyed if k&k weren't so seldom together in the apartment nowadays.

    Kamila is cheating on Kristy with Amber,,,we haven't had a K&K cuddling time in a while now,,Kami is with Amber almost exclusively now,,maybe it's because she knew that Kristy was going to be majorly busy this whole month,,so she needs someone to hang out with.

    Kamila is the one who brought her here,,she didn't sneak into the apartment,:biggrin::biggrin:

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  3. 2 minutes ago, kenny1940 said:

    Yes my point, the outside the apts participants are real names but the actual participants are not. If her name is Anna call her by her name. I just call her Kam's gf or Angel until its settled. I call Dima the BF etc.

    You call her whatever you want to call her,,Im sticking with Amber,,so when I say Amber you should know what I mean

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  4. 9 minutes ago, ericjeanjean said:

    What? she's nothing like Kristy. I seriously don't see what you guys see in this girl. She's pretty but that's all, I haven't seen her do one interesting thing since that first shower.

    Calm down eric,,remember we are on your side here buddy,,,I said her body type looks like a younger Kristy,,,her boobies are not fully grown and perky like Kristy's yet,,she doesn't have a Buns of steel yet,,but she is a cutie pie though..that can't be denied,,you already know I love Kristy already,,after Rita she is my second favorite.::):heart::heart:

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  5. 1 minute ago, HarleyFatboy said:

    I think you guys need to face the music and start thinking of girls names that start with the letter "K" like Kandy, Katy, Kimmi, etc etc.   It sounds like to me that Kristy is spending more and more time away from the apartment and more nights away from the apartment, meaning she might not be long for the apartment.  So the apartment was K&K originally and should probably stay that way.

    Hey Fatboyslim,,,,another day of stirring the pot I see,,,you must be bored,,,I got some yard work around my property that you can do.,,And I'll pay you in empty beer cans lolbeer.gif

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