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Posts posted by euromike69

  1. Thank You Beldonn1 for this excellent capture::)::):heart::heart:


    On ‎2016‎-‎06‎-‎07 at 4:17 AM, Beldonn1 said:

    They went to bed at 5h30 AM... after watching a film on the computer. Kristy was cuddling Kamila, Amber was a bit apart. Kristy made sure no one was stealing her Kami and Kami was over protecting her new girl, but with no touching, no kissing. Just to say that the relationship between Kami and Kristy is OK. Both still loving each other.. 904.4 kB


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  2. 1 minute ago, VoyeurJay said:

    You'd think that would have been handy for all those lazy back-scratching and cuddling evenings on the couch. Maybe they just figured it out recently.

    maybe because they are now trying to share kamila between Kristy and Amber,,and with the couch as it is,,someone would always get left out laying on the floor,,or it would have been a very tight fit.

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  3. 9 minutes ago, StnCld316 said:

    Users that don't have Accounts with RLC still get their IP's banned.  They have hit me 7 times so far in the last month now I am working on Number 8  LOL

    The cat and mouse game,,I'm tired of hiding and running that's why I've retired from posting,,,but man,,I can only imagine all the photos that would have been posted by now if all the major posters were still posting everyday.Ahh well shit happens lmaoo!!pooping-gymnastics-smiley-emoticon.gif[pooping.gif

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