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Posts posted by euromike69

  1. 6 minutes ago, kitek said:

    Forgot to add that last night Kristy was on date but not with Yura or new guy Zheka but there is another guy very fond of her who gave her flowers before and so on. Winner takes the prize... :angel:

    Just by the way how she applied lotion to her body,,and how she sprayed her perfume in certain spots,,I knew that she was going to see someone,,

    Damn though kristy,,,,why are you dating so many people at the same time girl,,,you need to slow down,,and most importantly,,,use a condom.

    We would hate to lose you because of a pregnancy or worse,,stop looking for guys and let God and fate bring Mr. Right to you.

    You are beautiful,smart,fun,energetic,loving,cute,adorable,,,the list goes on and on,,,you are that special,,,,so i would think just by being yourself,,the right guy will come along eventually,,who would put you first above all else,,and treat you like the Queen you are.

    Thanks Kitek.

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  2. 12 minutes ago, kitek said:

    Guess he has to find another job which doesn't require computer work as part of the job. 


    Yes he can go recycle Coke bottles for a living:biggrin: I use my computer for work and other things,,way more than Woodpecker does,,but priorities are priorities,,,,,,You go to your girl's house or apartment to see her and spend time with her,,,a considerate guy would leave his work laptop and focus on his woman,,,do your work before and after you leave the apt,,he could have done all that photo editing before he got there and after he leaves,,,work time is work time,,and girlfriend/wife time is their time.

    She didn't like him ignoring her the first time,,he is slowly going back to his old ways again.

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  3. I wanna know if the entire time that Woody Woodpecker was away from Kamila if he couldn't have worked on all the shit he had to work on while he was away,,,why bring his laptop here,,and why go back to the same old habit that made her break up with you and go fuck a German sausage.

    I knew he would eventually go back to his old self,,he has her now so he no longer gives a shit,,,dude do your work while you are away,,so while you get here you can spend time with your girl and off the fucking Macbook Pro.

    Old habits really die hard.,,,,separated on couch,,never see them cuddling like with K&K.:huh::huh:

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