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Posts posted by euromike69

  1. 2 minutes ago, eremes said:

    Good morning, or good evening to all.
    Due an internet failure, I couldn't be here this evening, so I have to view the UV-entertainment in the Replay.
    Haven't either read all your postings, a little overview had to do it.
    But I have seen all the "dangerous" pix about Thor's hammer.
    Maybe anyone of you guys can me tell, who's smashed in the earth ?
    So I will have a little impression of the foregoings from this evening.

    Tanks !

    It's someone who likes to Suck-the Soles-of feet,,,disrespecting the Mods and they gave him something that cures headaches Mjölnir :biggrin:



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  2. Just now, martyen said:

    some  bullshit  :confused:...   I have just answered and I have no problem with apologizing ...:blush:  Thank you Jasmin

    She forgives you:heart::heart:

    I said earlier in case you missed it that she is on her Period,,,that's why she still has her pants on,,,,but at least she is trying to participate instead of staying home,,,which if she did people would be complaining about that too.

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  3. I'm gonna be like Donald Trump and say that I'm so glad when these ladies always prove me 100% correct,,,,time after time I have seen some negative comments about the ladies,,,and time after time they make those people look foolish when they do something moments later that these guys swear up and down they wouldn't do:biggrin::biggrin: (Not talking about you Ben or Martyen just to be clear)::) I'm tired of winning,,,I'm gonna win so much that I will be tired of winning:biggrin:

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