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Posts posted by euromike69

  1. 1 minute ago, Thestarider said:

    Good Afternoon Gentlemen, It appear that the girls are all home but Belle today in B=2 I think we should really focus on what is going in the apartment and quit throwing around insults. They are very lovely young ladies who are just hanging around killing a Sunday afternoon.

    I would ask that you respect each others post's and follow th rules for posting in this forum

    Thanks again THE MOD SQUAD

    She did her Job and left,,I hope that you caught it,,,it was amazing::)

    • Upvote 1
  2. 1 minute ago, seb38240 said:

    just an opinion i am  sure to not be the only one think like this 

    I am trying to be respectful of your opinion,,but you are talking nonsense here,,,, I already told you that she is a "GUEST",,,, I would hope that you would be smart enough to figure out that guests of Tenants are not obligated to do anything,,,,,even if it frustrates you as a RLC costumer,,, it's not your place to tell her what to do,,,You don't like her being lazy,,then go watch someone else who is not lazy.

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  3. 1 minute ago, seb38240 said:

    whoa miss x put down her phone oh and its time to take a shower start to stink no shower since 4 day 

    Seb,,,relax with the demands please,,,she is just a guest visiting her friend Rosie,,,she is not being paid by RLC to do anything for you or anyone else,,, you have no jurisdiction over her.

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