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Posts posted by euromike69

  1. Blair has had the same sad look on her face from the very first day,she arrived on RLC,, I don't know if it has something to do with her being on RLC because I've never seen how she was before she got here......... She always looks depressed and sad,,even when Jasmin makes her smile a little bit it never lasts long.

    I would have thought that her Bf being here we would have seen a much happier and smiling Blair,,,but so far she is acting the exact same way,,,it's like her face is stuck in the sad puppy look.

    Unlike all the other ladies before her,,,she doesn't seem too happy at least not yet,,,we will see in the coming days and weeks.

    sad doctor who GIF

  2. 5 minutes ago, nagachilli2 said:

    I'm actually being serious here...did they actually fuck!!. I was watching and just thought she got off him to look at her phone..:confused:What are they gonna be like when they get used to each other again. Tonight was the epic fuck cos they hadn't seen each other for weeks...they were like caged animals waiting to get at each other...:dodgy:

    Tonight they were like Caged animals that got tranquilized :biggrin::biggrin:

    cbs vs GIF

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  3. Now I see why Blair was acting so weird these last few days........ this is the same way Jasmin was acting before her Bf showed up for 3 weeks.

    This guy has a suitcase so it looks like he might be here for a while,,,,,,,,, maybe RLC needs to open up another couples on vacation Apt,,,,and stop bringing guys to this Apt to stay for an extended period of time,,,,,, I don't fucking see them putting a bunch of single ladies into the couples on vacation Apt so I don't know why guys keep coming here to stay.:dodgy:

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