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Posts posted by euromike69

  1. Just now, Fagen said:

    It's not news just commenting on what we see or dont see on stream, and speculated what the girls were doing in there, if drugs that totally fine with me. It's just talk just like we talk about everything else they do 🙂

    Dude you still not getting it.

    You would be crying and complaining If I myself or anyone else on CC started talking negative things about you personally.

    You said that they put themselves online for the world to see but you are also Online for the world right now,, you are free to say whatever you want to say (Which I agree),, but so does anyone else that would decide to speak speculations about you.

    But what I'm asking is, How would Fagen feel if other CC members started speculating about you and what you do even though we can't see or hear you? Wouldn't you be upset?

    A lot of things in this world or on RLC never makes any sense,,,, Practically all the Brunettes are gone from B#4,,it's all blondes that are left,,they couldn't even figure out the breaker the other night. And it's not about defending the ladies,, I couldn't care zero................... But what I just don't get is why whenever they go out of site it's almost Speculated or assumed almost 99.99% of the time that it has something to do with drugs. Maybe it's my bad memory but I have never seen even one comment on CC that said that the girls went into the bathroom to take a shit out of camera view.

    Who knows maybe they went to the other bathroom because shit stinks.:biggrin:



  2. And if they are taking drugs then so what?

    Why is it still news here?

    6 minutes ago, Fagen said:

    Thats exactly it they were in Blairs room so why go all the way to the restroom at lvl 1 when they could use the one Blair has? See it doesnt make sense, and when 2-3 girls go in there at the same time and stay for several minutes I bet you it not just to take a piss. And since they have chosen to show themselfs online for us to see I will speculate all I want, and no these girls are not as innocent as people think of that im certain.

    Just like when Blairs bf was there they went outside the door at lvl3 off cam to smoke the funny stuff, so it wouldnt be that far from thinking they would sniff a little also 🙂


  3. 45 minutes ago, Fagen said:

    I know its just speculations but I have an idea what


    1 hour ago, Fagen said:

    C'mon thats not why, if that was the case they could have used Blairs restroom, no audio there as well, they clearly do something else. or they can whisper like they do all the time anyways and with the music you wont hear anything 🙂

    How would you feel if I came on here and speculated the worst things ever that I could think of about what you do at your Apt/house today or yesterday.

    I can't see you,,or hear an audio of you,, so would it be fair for me to assume that you are currently sniffing cocaine or shooting up Heroin?

    I always hear the term "Speculation",,, but when has anyone on here ever speculated that these ladies are taking a shit or a piss when they go in the bathrooms?

    Even if they take turns,, if the other toilet is way upstairs then why would they walk all the way upstairs just to use the bathroom.

    That's the thing I don't get about a lot of you guys here,,,as soon as anyone says anything slightly disrespectful to any of you or something hurtful,,you immediately take offense and report that person to the Mods.

    There is nothing wrong with guessing or speculating about something you cannot see,,, but I have been on CC a lot longer than most of you,,,and people seem to never speculate anything but the most negative thing they can think of,,, I guess these ladies never take a piss or a shit for the entire 3 months or more that they are here for,,, Nobody in the Barcelona Apts take a shit or a piss,,the bathrooms are exclusively for taking drugs.

    Speaking of Drugs,,if any of these ladies take drugs,,, is the drugs affecting any of our brains or Bodies? Why is it News or any of our business?

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