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Everything posted by Thestarider

  1. I have been waiting for a little strip pong myself, but I am about to give up on that one.
  2. I want to know where I can get some of those vibrating sheets ? Are they patented by RLC?
  3. Pam looks bored to death with this bunch at B-2, they are just not cut from the cloth that Pam is. She wont be here long be my guess.
  4. Perfectly placed towel again Joking Jiggling little Junior Jessi. She will never make a pimple on Pams ass like this.
  5. Needs to be some real wet humping before Pam would really enjoy it.
  6. Needs to be some real wet humping before Pam would really enjoy it.
  7. Jessi is just game player !!! Kind of like arm candy, but even worse!!! Takes all the voyeurs out there for fools. Especially the RLC membership. Be gone with you game player.
  8. Good Ole Caroline continues to flash the hell out her friends mate, to damn bad it is that time for her, or he would already be having a tough hiding all the looks he has been taking HAHAHA You go girl ...................so much fun to watch since the Frisky days.
  9. Ok so am I the only one who noticed that Little Miss Priss Jessi has a piercing in her clit or what ? You know, why the friggen games she is playing beyond me !!! Now I have figured out why she is friends with Pam. The game is up Jessi, so just stop already !!!
  10. Well I need to say this..... Eris has one of the sweetest, meatiest, perfect pussies, I think I have ever seen. Sen...fuckin...sational From my lips to hers, OH baby give me some of that sweetest nectar from the gods.. Umm Humm
  11. Time for a change already, Jessi cant handle it !!! So many failures over the years with RLC. Jessi is just another one to add to the list. Beside she just gets in Pams way.
  12. HAHAHA Why she is on cam at all is beyond me.
  13. Of course it is, she has close on HAHAHAHA..........
  14. YUP, it has been going on since the beginning of RLC.
  15. Nice to see Pam bask again. The friend well that is a different story all together. Some girls can make it and some can't, not the first one we have seen like this. Pam is likely to be by herself real soon.
  16. Kind of been waiting to see what ERIS is all about. Maybe tonight we will find out ?
  17. Yea.... who even wants too! No wonder this place is ready to die ! no is fucking stupid dead.
  18. What the hell happened to Frisky ? I use to watch this apartment just for thrill to see what would happen next between them.
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