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Everything posted by Thestarider

  1. Just trying to get one full page on the new girl thread for Megan, I would be remiss if I didn't admit that "Squeaky" is very artistic to draw like she does free hand from pictures on the internet.
  2. As always not much to say about Megan just a two votes in poll says it all ranks dead last of the 8 women and one girl.
  3. What the hell does K&K have to do with this thread ? Oh hell I get it it is just Ze ranting again about nothing.
  4. They made the choice to share part of their life with the viewer, But you seem to believe that they owe you something because you pay your money. That is plain naive, The participants on RLC owe the viewer absolutely nothing. You pay for the privilege of looking in on their lives, instead of being a peeping tom, and breaking the law.
  5. Bonnie, I can see the real thing as you call it all over the internet. Do you want porn, or do you want to be a voyeur ?
  6. and you had me thinking that the girls are so smart that they only let out what they want the translators to know
  7. Looks like it will be a sun comes up morning for Lola and ANNA, or an all nighter for those of you in Europe. They must be having one hell of a good time
  8. Hate to be a bubble burst-er here gents, but ANNA lived in Barcelona before and after she was on RLC the first time, I suspect her girlfriend was just a roommate.
  9. Since you are watching Barcelona 2 and you hold these girls in such high opinion, I would ask what is Ilona's instructions for Megan ? to sit on the couch ?
  10. You think ? I don't eat them. I have Idea give it to your favorite child on RLC, she would eat them. all kids love sweet rolls, We all know that girl needs something.
  11. Little mommy's girl is getting mommy's approval of her apartment via skype, it is no wonder she acts like a kid, she is still sucking on mommy's tit and can't do anything by herself, but paint her nails. I have idea bring back RAVISHING RITA and get rid of the kid
  12. no I'm sorry the cellophane wrap crap does nothing for me, now if they would choose warm aroma therapy oils then maybe we night get somewhere interestingm instead of all sticky like a honey bun
  13. Yes another waste of good chocolate , bananas and honey, with two women and a child. I guess it is an improvement because it use to be a nightly rub with two children and a woman.
  14. My best whiny girl voice, Megan says......... I want my mommy......I don't feel good.......My tummy hurts so bad.........I want my mommy.......... Everyone hates me..... U don't understand why................I want my mommy .IMMATURE KIDS, no wonder she only received one vote
  15. Well looks like another night of the Dead Fish Danaya impersonation, we can call this the Lifeless Lola Little play........... OMG my eye strain is returning
  16. Way to much fun in the sun for the Barcelona 2 girls, two of them are down for the count at 10:30 on a Saturday night,,,,, Party hearty girls LMAO Lola its all on your broad shoulders now
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