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Everything posted by purplewrap

  1. I really hope she finds herself a girl. And May can move in with plonker muppet Peanut 🀣
  2. Found it. We posted the same little πŸ’©πŸ’© 🀣 πŸ₯ƒ
  3. What a complete piece of πŸ’©πŸ’© Going to be a favourite place this, with fucking knobs like this around 🀣🀣
  4. Somehow I doubt peanut will do any better at his place 🀣 but to be perfectly honest with you, I really couldn't care less! 🀬
  5. May did a good, no, excellent job at finding this muppet peanut 🀣🀣
  6. Well said amigo!! πŸ‘ maldito bastardo 🀬
  7. Where is @jabbath1987 when we need him? Need to send a ticket πŸ‘ Will May get a $500 fine?? Hope the lousy excellent shag was worth it...🀣🀣
  8. Yes!! What a fucking lousy shag this was!! 🀣🀣🀣
  9. This is going to be a major success with the blanket shagging 🀣
  10. Well, she is still riding 'plastic'... 🀣 Cum in condom = same as riding a strap-on 🀣
  11. Well Sir Robwin... there is still hope... If Kiramy only goes for 🐱 she can wave goodbye to May and her cock πŸ–• and pull a new proper girlie girl 🀣 Bottoms up πŸ₯ƒ πŸ˜„
  12. YAAAAAYYYYYY!!!! 😁 πŸ€Έβ€β™‚οΈ
  13. Absolutely! Goes without saying 😁 Doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that out 🀣
  14. As in lost in the bush....?!? 🀣🀣 Maybe he loses his way out of the bed as well.... 😈🀣
  15. But the potential is there....?! I'm guessing the bloke is ready as rock...! 🀣
  16. No shagging yet, right?? πŸ€” If she does shag him though you're fucking right I won't be happy 🀬 🀣 But...as long as she's happy, good for her. I just move on to a different apartment πŸ˜πŸ‘
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