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Brokk! last won the day on November 9 2023

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  1. The only pattern I see is how wasted Linda truly is. All that goodness for 5 photos in 5 minutes and then going back to doing nothing.
  2. Too much imagination for a night when Leora doesn't feel well to do anything. We don't know for sure whether she's pretending or not, none of us are doctors to know with extreme certainty. It is not the first time that when this period arrives Leora sometimes takes a break, whether it's because she's sick or because she simply wants to mind her own business.
  3. It doesn't seem like RLC wants to close for the moment, seeing the new offer proposed. It would be a scam to propose a new annual offer and then close the site shortly after.
  4. In her place you would do the same thing if 90% of the messages (let's even say 95%) are basically just to say that your boyfriend sucks and so on.
  5. They are a very up-and-down couple. It's a couple that goes through periods, one period they seem like a real couple. The next period is two strangers who don't even know what they are doing on RLC.
  6. Simply the girls from Barcelona have always had fixed-term contracts. There are those who decide to stay for a few months and those like Sara and Karma for more than a year. Couples can decide to leave whenever they want and stay as long as they want as long as they respect the rules. It should be added that if Sara and Karma are still on RLC it is only because it seems that after them there will be no girls to replace them, if it is true that RLC wants to close the apartments and villas in Barcelona.
  7. Then it's likely she wasn't mad at Paul. If Paul didn't answer her it's likely they were discussing something else.
  8. Or maybe even if Leora reads the comments it doesn't mean that she has to change anything.
  9. Leora simply doesn't read comments on the PC. That's the point.
  10. Dude, I'm telling you without offense, it's not worth dying on that hill. The only help Masha wants is for people to always agree with her.
  11. To regain some mental sanity, Masha should be followed for years, not for a few months. In a few months you cannot change or improve the attitude.
  12. She can insult everyone but the other tenants didn't behave the way she did.
  13. It's the opposite, he wanted to stay with Leora. But Leora didn't want something more serious.
  14. Put it in this way. Leora has 33 years old, she is an adult and vaccinated woman and therefore has her own thoughts and is able to choose independently. If Leora saw that Loverboy was better than Paul you wouldn't have seen Paul anymore by now and maybe not even Leora on RLC.
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