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Everything posted by Brokk!

  1. On this I think you are right. Among the hypotheses for which it behaves so certainly this forum has little to do with it. She's been acting weird ever since that famous midnight phone call.
  2. It makes me think she read something here. But I don't see why she doesn't want to go out with anyone or call someone...
  3. Yep, If something had happened to Eva or the dog shelter or some of her relatives, she would be on the phone for hours and sending vocals. Instead nothing.
  4. Mh What a shit situation. I know she phoned / got a call to Paul this morning and that's all. She has hardly received any other calls at home since Saturday... strange.
  5. I guess we have to start writing here. Why was Leora crying in the bathroom? Did she have a phone call?
  6. It is clear that yesterday she was not well because of the Aunt. She is better now, as she smokes. I just didn't know if Leora dressed to go out or if she's dressed because it's cold in the house.
  7. I think you're right. All the pumpkins are gone, I doubt she brought them all to LB.
  8. Now she's seen the phone and who's taking it off...
  9. Also because at that hour only one person could call her...and it was certainly not Paul. It would be nice to find out what they said to each other but I doubt that they exchanged sweet little words given how Leora was crying and the fact that VERY PROBABLY they saw each other under the house this morning.
  10. I don't know, it sure is weird that if she is in a relationship with another man she calls Paul at least 3 to 5 times a day...who would call her Ex boyfriend so many times?
  11. Bullshit. I have been seeing the same things for a year and a half. Discussion, tears and reconciliation after less than 24 hours. I don't see anything new but the same shit the same times. And to make a person cry I don't think he told her niceties...this relationship only stands because they are not together, otherwise by now it's been a while since she would have found someone else and LB would have done the same. And it is useless to hope that this relationship will change, even now Leora prefers to leave the house instead of inviting him there. Ask yourself two questions about why ... Obviously, IF she has to go to him, we forgot to specify this.
  12. This evolution can only be seen by you. If Leora discussed with LB this morning there is no evolution but a return back.
  13. It looks like it will come out. She brushed her teeth and now the shower. And now I really suspect that LB's hand is behind it all...
  14. And who can tell? It may be, maybe when they were chatting one of the two said something too much and they argued. This, too, would be normal since they have already argued about a small thing.
  15. I tend more towards LB. It's something I've seen in the past that I wouldn't be surprised if that were the case.
  16. I don't know, I thought so too before but now it seems too strange to me. She was on the phone at midnight, now she's been out in a bathrobe on the phone for half an hour or seeing someone. All these dynamics usually mean one thing...
  17. I wouldn't rule out that she had an emergency meeting as usual, as it has happened before. At that point it's obvious who she was on the phone with at midnight...
  18. Eh...she was in a bathrobe so she must have gone out to call. I always guess for what happened after midnight.
  19. However, I didn't have time to write my last post which really disappeared. She was in a bathrobe.
  20. Seeing how she got up, I'd say she won't be in the house much longer. As usual 😆
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