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Everything posted by Brokk!

  1. I don't think it's all a rlc strategy but Leora's. At other times it has done exactly the same thing.
  2. Really, what's the point of leaving this guy in the house watching television all night? Wasn't it better at this point if they went out together? And who knows who she'll be out with tonight...
  3. And at this rate it is likely that it will remain there for the whole evening. Gods, let's hope not.
  4. I have a feeling that Leora will be out tonight. And maybe not with Denis.
  5. Beh, se qualcuno aveva dei dubbi sul rapporto tra Leora e Denis...😆 Ed è da un ora che è uscita ormai, dubito che sia andata a fare la spesa.
  6. Last night she was at the video call with a friendly couple. Today she was visited by a friend of her who has already been in the apartment as a guest in both Prague and Russia. There is nothing between them but being friends.
  7. Leora would be capable of strangling him for such a thing. 😆
  8. It would be a rare occurrence if it were someone different 😆
  9. I have not seen when he arrived with Leora but if he does not have a suitcase with him he will do as the other times, he remains only tonight and tomorrow morning he will already go away.
  10. Only I think that yesterday Leora made the call on skype to her friend and today she invited denis as a way not to call LB? Since they argued that they have not spoken on the phone anymore.
  11. Even without a period she wouldn't fuck him anyway, between the two of them there is nothing and Leora, even quite clearly, has made it clear. And the fact that Leora has shorts makes it clear that she is not in the mood and in the conditions to do so. The only thing that will happen, if denis stays for the night, is that he will massage Leora's shoulders.
  12. Yup, everyone has their own ideas on this.
  13. So, yesterday video call on skype all night. Today Denis visiting Leora and let's not expect big things (Leora has her period) between them.
  14. Leora even before Malia came did the same thing as tonight. It is not the first time she is on Skype half naked with her friend.
  15. Credo che sarà così per tutta la serata.
  16. Well, Nana pretty much did the same thing. 😆 I wouldn't be surprised if Leora did the same.
  17. Look, I'm starting to have big doubts about this. If Leora treats the boy she hangs out with like this (hardly ever see him, don't call him for weeks, etc etc...) I doubt she ever slept with him except to sleep.
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