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Everything posted by Brokk!

  1. A quanto pare Leora ha già finito di dormire. Sembra che sia al bagno privato. No, ora è uscita dal bagno.
  2. Infatti è la voce di una sua amica. In teoria, è quella che dovrebbe fare visita a Leora.
  3. Beh, è scontato che la stanza da letto principale fosse di Leora. Ed essendoci soltanto loro due nell'appartamento... Se mai è stata la prima volta che una guest room sia stata occupata così a lungo.
  4. Sembra che non voglia perdere tempo. Oggi starà a pulire per casa tutto il giorno?
  5. Beh, alla fine è successo. Spiace per Malia che sia dovuta partire. Vedremo ora cosa succederà nell'appartamento ora che "l'energia negativa", come dice Leora, non c'è più (ho i miei dubbi che fosse tutta colpa di Malia). Dubito che possa cambiare qualcosa ma chi lo sa...
  6. Leora è più furba di tutti noi messi insieme. Non ci conterei su una sua futura dipartita. Almeno non così presto.
  7. Ma esattamente come fate a dire che Malia è stata arrestata? Con quali prove?
  8. Theoretically it should be the third time if she washed this morning.
  9. I don't know if anyone saw it but when Leora saw the dirty kitchen table her eyes almost popped out 🤣 At that moment I believe that Leora would have strangled Malia with her own hands 😆
  10. Well, then Leora will have gone out for other reasons. Not that it changes that much. 😆
  11. Yep. What I can say is that it can have gone anywhere. Jimbo said she was helping a friend not to be extradited or deported. So maybe Leora goes out to help this friend of hers, who knows...With Leora it can be anything.
  12. Again, for all we know it may be that Malia didn't want any help. If she wanted help, she would text the phone or ask her verbally. If she didn't, it's because she probably didn't need it or because she wanted to do it herself to make sure she packed everything. I don't see any malice on Leora's part in any of this. Also because these days, when they were both at home, they were still together.
  13. As far as we know, maybe Malia didn't want any help from Leora.
  14. It is a fairly free criticism. Malia didn't ask Leora for help, what could she have done? it is Malia who has to leave, not Leora. If Malia wanted help from Leora to pack, she would have asked for it, she has the tongue to speak. Anyway, Malia is not leaving today. It will definitely leave tomorrow so Leora has plenty of time to say goodbye.
  15. I would say that Leora is now sure that she is not going out for today.
  16. As usual, I didn't expect her to come back so soon. But she still hasn't undressed completely so she could go out again.
  17. Remove the maybe, it is clear that this will be the case. Tomorrow is Sunday so the last day of Malia in Prague. I have a feeling that tomorrow they will give us the last show before Malia leaves. Today is just the day off for Leora.
  18. Today should be Malia's last day home alone. In theory...
  19. Then we won't see her at home until tomorrow.
  20. It looks more like she added and removed something
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